Justice - Justiz - Giustizia

Bibliografie zum Richterrecht – Update 58

  • Autor/Autorin: Juria
  • Beitragsart: Literature
  • DOI: 10.38023/ae440ce3-8ed6-466c-8f78-fc622aa631d4
  • Zitiervorschlag: Juria, Bibliografie zum Richterrecht – Update 58, in: «Justice - Justiz - Giustizia» 2022/3
Das Update der Bibliografie enthält seit der Ausgabe 2006/4 von «Justice - Justiz - Giustizia» jeweils die neu veröffentlichten Monographien und Aufsätze im Themenbereich der Richterzeitung. Ab Ausgabe 2021/3 erfolgt die Aufbereitung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Schweizerischen Institut für Judikative SIfJ; erfasst werden zusätzlich ca. 150 internationale Zeitschriften und die Kataloge von rund 25 internationalen Bibliotheken.
Eine Gesamtübersicht der Bibliografie finden Sie auf: https://sifj.ch/dokumentation/bibliography/

Alawamleh Kamal Jamal, To what extent is arbitration acceptable in individual labor disputes? A critique from a Jordanian law perspective, International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 64 No. 1, 2022 pp. 18–31

Anker Elizabeth S., Legal artifice: lessons from the United States, Jurisprudence – An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, 2022, 13:2, 258–266

Antoshkina Valeriya K., Loshchykhin Oleksandr, Topchii Oksana, Shevchenko Dmytro, Hryhorchuk Myroslav V., Legislative Basics of Legal Interpretation, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law – Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, Published: 12 July 2022

Arz Matthias, Richterliche Überzeugungsbildung zu Schaden und Forderungshöhe : Anwendigkeit und Durchführung der Schätzung nach § 287 ZPO, NJW : Neue juristische Wochenschrift, 2022, yr:2021, no:74

Arzandeh Ardavan, Brownlie II and the Service-out Jurisdiction under English Law, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 June 2022

Asgeirsson Hrafn, A Puzzle about Vagueness, Reasons and Judicial Discretion, Legal Theory, 2022

Baetens Freya, Bismuth Régis, Face à Face: Interview with Maria Teresa Infante Caffi – Judge at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2022, Band 21: Ausgabe 2, 237–243

Barczentewicz Mikołaj, Cart Judicial Reviews through the Lens of the Upper Tribunal, Judicial Review, 2021, VOL. 26, NO. 3, 179–191

Basheska Elena, EU Enlargement in Disregard of the Rule of Law: A Way Forward Following the Unsuccessful Dispute Settlement Between Croatia and Slovenia and the Name Change of Macedonia, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 2022

Bassok Or, Origins of order: project and system in the American legal imagination, Jurisprudence – An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, 2022, 13:2, 301–309

Bédard-Rubin Jean-Christophe, Rubin Tiago, The Elusive Quest for French on the Bench: Bilingualism Scores for Canadian Supreme Court Justices, 1985–2013, Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Published Online on 14 July 2022

Bello Hutt Donald, Rule of Law and Political Representation, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, (2022) 14:1–25

Beqiraj Julinda, Moxham Lucy, Reconciling the Theory and the Practice of the Rule of Law in the European Union Measuring the Rule of Law, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 2022

Bergmann Blix Stina, Minissale Alessandra, (Dis)passionate law stories: the emotional processes of encoding narratives in court, Journal of Law and Society, 2022;49:245–262

Besson Sébastien, La réforme du droit suisse de l'arbitrage international, Revue de l'arbitrage : bulletin du Comité français de l'arbitrage, Numéro 1(2021), pages 11–56

Bhardwaj Shrutanjaya, Baheti Ayush, Precedent, stare decisis and the Larger Bench Rule: Judicial Indiscipline at the Indian Supreme Court, Indian Law Review, 2022, 6:1, 58–83

Binnall James M., Petersen Nick, Felon-Jurors’ Impact on Deliberation Satisfaction: Do They Really «Infect» the Process?, Justice System Journal, 2022,

Bix Brian H., Legal interpretation and truth, Jurisprudence – An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, 2022, 13:1, 107–112

Bobek Michal (Hrsg.), Selecting Europe's Judges: A Critical Review of the Appointment Procedures to the European Courts, Oxford University Pres, Oxford, 2015

Boekestein Tom L., Making Do With What We Have: On the Interpretation and Enforcement of the EU’s Founding Values, German Law Journal, (2022), 23, pp. 431–451

Boisson de Chazournes Laurence, Judicial Deference: Why Does It Matter?, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2022, Band 21: Ausgabe 2, 419–424

Bojarski Lukasz, Civil Society Organizations for and with the Courts and Judges – Struggle for the Rule of Law and Judicial Independence: The Case of Poland 1976–2020, German Law Journal, 22, no. 7 (October 2021): 1344–1384

Bonnet Baptiste, Les rapports entre le Conseil constitutionnel et la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme: nouvelles modalités de dialogue? Ou l'art d'aller son train de sénateur, Anthemis, Limal, in: Le Conseil constitutionnel et la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme; 2021, Pages 37–51

Bonnet Julien, Afroukh Mustapha (dir.), Le Conseil constitutionnel et la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme : vers un nouvel équilibre? : actes du colloque du 7 février 2020, Anthemis, Limal, 2021

Bowie Jennifer, Savchak Elisha Carol, State Court Influence on US Supreme Court Opinions, Journal of Law and Courts, volume 10, number 1, Spring 2022

Boyd Christina L., George Tracey E., Yoon Albert H., The Emerging Authority of Magistrate Judges within US District Courts, Journal of Law and Courts, volume 10, number 1, Spring 2022

Bradley Kieran, Appointment and Dis-Appointment at the CJEU: Part II – The Sharpston Litigation, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 15. Mar 2022, S. 178–197

Bravo-Hurtado Pablo, van Rhee Cornelis Hendrik, Supreme Courts Under Pressure – Controlling Caseload in the Administration of Civil Justice, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, 2021

Bühlmann Lukas, Identifier, apprécier, soupeser – et interpréter correctement, Inforum / VLP-ASPAN, Avril 2022, numéro 1, pages 14–19

Burdziej Stanisław, Guzik Keith, Pilitowski Bartosz, How Civility Matters in Civil Matters: Procedural Justice and Court Legitimacy in the Midst of a Legitimacy Crisis, Law & Social Inquiry, Volume 47, Issue 2, 558–583, May 2022

Burgorgue-Larsen Laurence, Les relations entre les cours constitutionnelles européennes et la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme – la dialectique de la complexité, Anthemis, Limal, in: Le Conseil constitutionnel et la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme; 2021, Pages 53–89

Bustos Álvaro, Garoupa Nuno, How Does Court Stability Affect Legal Stability?, «The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization», Published: 15 July 2022

Butler Miranda, Statutory Interpretation after PRCBC and O v SSHD: Should we ‘Waste the Court’s Time a Great Deal Less in Looking at Background Material’?, Judicial Review, Published online: 18 May 2022

Butt Simon, Murharjanti Prayekti, What constitutes compliance? Legislative responses to Constitutional Court decisions in Indonesia, I•CON, (2022), Vol. 20 No. 1, 428–453

Canale Damiano, A blind spot in the theories of legal interpretation, Jurisprudence – An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, 2022, 13:1, 130–138

Cavallini Cesare, Cirillo Stefania, Does Ginsburg’s Judicial Voice Get the International Level?, Global Jurist, 2022; 22(1): 107–135

Chamon Merijn, de Arriba-Sellier Nathan, FBF: On the Justiciability of Soft Law and Broadening the Discretion of EU Agencies – ECJ (Grand Chamber) 15 July 2021, Case C-911/19, Fédération Bancaire Française (FBF) v Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, ECLI:EU:C:2021:599, European Constitutional Law Review, Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 June 2022

Chan Kay-Wah, Ii Takayuki, Empowering judicial scriveners as litigators in Japan: is it justifiable and of value?, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 2022, 29:2, 181–207

Chan Peter C. H., Rhee C. H. van, Civil Case Management in the Twenty-First Century: Court Structures Still Matter, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, 2021

Chatziathanasiou Konstantin, Beware the Lure of Narratives: «Hungry Judges» Should Not Motivate the Use of «Artificial Intelligence» in Law, German Law Journal, (2022), 23, pp. 452–464

Cheruvu Sivaram, Krehbiel Jay N., Delegation, Compliance, and Judicial Decision Making in the Court of Justice of the European Union, Journal of Law and Courts, volume 10, number 1, Spring 2022

Chiassoni Pierluigi, Interpretation without truth: a reply to critics, Jurisprudence – An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, 2022, 13:1, 139–152

Chiassoni Pierluigi, Spaic Bojan, Judges and Adjudication in Constitutional Democracies: A View from Legal Realism, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, 2021

Choi Donghyun Danny, Harris J. Andrew, Shen-Bayh Fiona, Ethnic Bias in Judicial Decision Making: Evidence from Criminal Appeals in Kenya, American Political Science Review, (2022) 116, 3, 1067–1080

Clements Richard, «Efficiency Is Paramount in This Regard»: The Managerial Role of the ICC Presidency from Kirsch to Fernández, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2022, Band 25: Ausgabe 1, 342–368

Collins Paul M. jr., The Supreme Court, the President, and Congress – Lawmaking in a Separation of Power System, Journal of Law and Courts, volume 10, number 2, Fall 2022

Crowe Jonathan, ‘Picnic, lightning’: the normative role of imagination in legal inquiry, Jurisprudence – An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, 2022, 13:2, 267–274

de Búrca Gráinne, Poland and Hungary’s EU membership: On not confronting authoritarian governments, I•CON, (2022), Vol. 20 No. 1, 13–34

Del Mar Maksymilian, The ethics and politics of adjudication: a response to Anker, Crowe, and Golder, Jurisprudence – An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, 2022, 13:2, 287–300

Deumier Pascale, Le Conseil constitutionnel, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme et la source jurisprudentielle, Anthemis, Limal, in: Le Conseil constitutionnel et la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme; 2021, Pages 117–136

Dörenbach Stella, Mehr Interdisziplinarität wagen – über den Nutzen der Rechtstatsachenforschung, In: Verantwortung und Recht, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2022, S. 235

Dunoff Jeffrey L., Pollack Mark A., The Road not taken: Comparative International Judicial Dissent, The American Journal of International Law, 2022, Vol. 116:2 S. 340 ff.

Dyevre Arthur, Lampach Nicolas, Glavina Monika, Chilling or Learning? The Effect of negative Feedback on Interjudicial Cooperation in Nonhierarchical Referral Regimes, Journal of Law and Courts, volume 10, number 1, Spring 2022

Ehrich Katja, Der getauschte Bereitschaftsdienst, Deutsche Richterzeitung, 99. Jahrgang(2021), Heft 3, Seiten 102–107

Endicott Timothy, Legal misinterpretation, Jurisprudence – An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, 2022, 13:1, 99–106

Epstein Lee, Knight Jack C., How social identity and social diversity affect judging, Leiden Journal of International Law, (2022), pp. 1–15

Erdmann Max, Verfassungsgerichtliche Integrationsverantwortung im europäischen Grundrechtsdialog, In: Verantwortung und Recht, , Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2022, S. 173

Erikson Robert S., Appellate court assignments as a natural experiment: Gender panel effects in sex discrimination cases, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2022, 13.04.22

Eriksson Lina M., Vernby Kåre, Let Me Be the Judge: Ideology, Identity, and Judicial Selection, Journal of Experimental Political Science, Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 June 2022

Esmark Magnus, Olsen Henrik Palmer, Smed Larsen Matthias, Byrne William Hamilton, Adjudicating national contexts – Domestic particularity in the practices of the European Court of Human Rights?, German Law Journal, (2022), 23, pp. 465–492

Fahner Johannes Hendrik, The Limited Utility of Deference in International Dispute Settlement, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2022, Band 21: Ausgabe 2, 467–479

Fasel Raffael N., Less Incorrect Ways of Doing Jurisprudence, The American Journal of Jurisprudence, Vol. 67, No. 1 (2022), pp. 83–118

Fikfak Veronika, Peat Daniel, van der Zee Eva, Bias in International Law, German Law Journal, (2022), 23, pp. 281–297

Fischman Joshua B., How many cases are easy?, Journal of Legal Analysis, 2021: Volume 13, 595

Fisicaro Marco, Protection of the Rule of Law and ‘Competence Creep’ via the Budget: The Court of Justice on the Legality of the Conditionality Regulation – ECJ Judgments of 16 February 2022, Cases C-156/21, Hungary v Parliament and Council and C-157/21, Poland v Parliament and Council, European Constitutional Law Review, Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 June 2022

Fox Danielle, Yamagata Hisashi, Developing Court Capabilities and Insights through Data Conversion, International Journal for Court Administration, 2022,

Fukunaga Yuka, Deference and the Authority of International Adjudication, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2022, Band 21: Ausgabe 2, 425–430

Galushko Artem, Politically Motivated Justice, Authoritarian Legacies and Their Role in Shaping Constitutional Practices in the Former Soviet Union, Asser Press, The Hague, 2021

Gans-Morse Jordan, Self-Selection into Corrupt Judiciaries, «The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization», Volume 38, Issue 2, July 2022, Pages 386–421

Glaser Andreas, Schweiz: Die Regierung als Gesetzgeberin in der direkten Demokratie – neuer Schub für den Ausbau der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit auf Bundesebene?, Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht / Austrian Journal of Public Law, 2022, Vol. 77 Issue 1 S. 113

Gleß Sabine, Intelligente Agenten als Zeugen im Strafverfahren?, Juristenzeitung, yr:2021, no:76

Golder Ben, The politics of judicial imagination, Jurisprudence – An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, 2022, 13:2, 275–286

Gonzalez-Ocantos Ezequiel, Sandholtz Wayne, The Sources of Resilience of International Human Rights Courts: The Case of the Inter-American System, Law & Social Inquiry, Volume 47, Issue 1, 95–131, February 2022

Gormley Jay, The inefficiency of plea bargaining, Journal of Law and Society, Version of Record online:22 May 2022

Grabowska-Moroz Barbara, Kochenov Dimitry, Understanding the Best Practices in the Area of the Rule of Law, RECONNECT – Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law, 2020

Grabowska-Moroz Barbara, Sniadach Olga, The Role of Civil Society in Protecting Judicial Independence in Times of Rule of Law Backsliding in Poland, Utrecht Law Review, 17, no. 2 (2021): 56–69

Grisay Dominique, Dessine-moi la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne, Anthemis, Limal, 2021

Gu Weixia, Civil Justice Reform in Chinese Law and Society – Dispute Resolution in China: Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation, and Their Interactions, Routledge, London / New York, 2021

Haltern Ulrich, Wirkliche Widersprüche und die Methode, wodurch sie sich lösen – Zum europäischen Verfassungsgerichtsverbund, Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts, 2022, 146, 195–252

Hamann Hanjo, Der blinde Fleck der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft: zur digitalen Verfügbarkeit instanzgerichtlicher Rechtsprechung, Juristenzeitung, yr:2021, no:76

Hamann Hanjo, Wann äußert sich das Bundesverfassungsgericht zur Zweitverwertungspflicht?, Verfassungsblog, 2022

Harbarth Stephan, Empirieprägung von Verfassungsrecht, Juristen Zeitung, 77. Jahrgang, 18. Februar 2022, Seiten 157–208

Harper Erica, Colliou Yann, Re‑Imagining Customary Justice Systems: Interrogating Past Assumptions and Entertaining New Ones, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 2022

Hartmann Lucas, Die Aufhebung rechtmäßiger Urteile wegen Rechtswidrigkeit – Rechtstheoretische und dogmatische Überlegungen zu einem unterbelichteten Alltagsphänomen revisionsgerichtlicher Praxis, Juristen Zeitung, 15/16/2022

Havelková Barbara, Kosař David, Urbanikova Marina, The Family Friendliness That Wasn’t: Access, but Not Progress, for Women in the Czech Judiciary, Law & Social Inquiry, Volume 00, Issue 00, 1–31, 2021

Hendley Kathryn, Legal Dualism as a Framework for Analyzing the Role of Law under Authoritarianism, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2022, 18:1.1–1.16

Hofmann David, Accès au dossier et aux décisions judiciaires : peut-on invoquer la LIPAD?, La semaine judiciaire, 144e année, no 2(2022), pages 123-159

Höland Armin, Mündliche Gerichtsverhandlungen am Bildschirm – Wunsch und Wirklichkeit, Deutsche Richterzeitung, Jahrgang 100(2022), Heft 5, Seiten 220–223

Hoven Elisa, Strafzumessung durch Richter und Laien, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, Band 133(2021), Heft 2, Seiten 322–357

Howlin Niam, Coen Mark, Barry Colette, Lynch John, ‘Robinson Crusoe on a desert island?, Legal Studies, (2022), 42, 525–545

Huchhanavar Shivaraj, Judicial conduct regulation: do in-house mechanisms in India uphold judicial Independence and effectively enforce judicial accountability?, Indian Law Review, 2022

Hughes David A., Local Media Coverage of Candidates for State Supreme Courts, Justice System Journal, 2022,

Indermaur Ingrid, Die Justiz als Hoffnungsträgerin, Plädoyer, yr:2022, no:40

Ioriatti Elena, Common Contexts of Meaning in the European Legal Setting: Opening Pandora’s box?, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law – Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, Published: 11 July 2022

Ismail Shahrul Mizan, Shu Yee Teoh, Hussein Safinaz Mohd, Taking and Sharing Photographs of Virtual Court Proceedings to Social Media: A Critical Appraisal on the Law of Contempt in Malaysia, International Journal for Court Administration, 13. Feb 2022

Jackson Miles, Judicial avoidance at the European Court of Human Rights: Institutional authority, the procedural turn, and docket control, I•CON, (2022), Vol. 20 No. 1, 112–140

Jacobsohn Gary J., Dynamic and Constrained: Using the Judiciary to Pursue Social Justice in India, Law & Social Inquiry, Volume 47, Issue 1, 375–380, February 2022

Janusiene Aiste, Judicial authority through the experiences of crisis, Jindal global Law Review, 2022

Jesseea Stephen, Malhotrab Neil, Senc Maya, A decade-long longitudinal survey shows that the Supreme Court is now much more conservative than the public, PNAS, 2022, Vol.119 No.24 e2120284119

Kantorowicz-Reznichenko Elena, Kantorowicz Jarosław, Weinshall Keren, Ideological bias in constitutional judgments: Experimental analysis and potential solutions, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2022, 1–42

Kashanin Andrey, Churakov Vladimir, Issue on «Small» and Indisputable Cases in Russian Courts, Global Jurist, 2021; 21(1): 273–303

Kassow Benjamin J., Fix Michael P., Federal Appeals Court Responses to Supreme Court Precedent, Justice System Journal, Published online: 15 Aug 2022

Kaufmann Rodrigo, The Struggles of the Chilean Constituent Process, Verfassungsblog, 2022

Kawalek Anna, Phillips Jake, Greenslade Anne-Marie, The Significance of the Judge within the Choices and Consequences and Prolific Intensive Schemes: International Lessons for England and Wales and Back again, International Journal for Court Administration, 13. Feb. 2022

Kellmann Céline Deborah, Choice-of-law rules governing preclusive effects : on transcending res judicata's state of ambiguity in international commercial arbitration, Bulletin ASA, Volume 40(2022), number 1, pages 27-45

King Alyssa S., Bookman Pamela K., Traveling Judges, The American Journal of International Law, 2022, Vol. 116:3 S. 477 ff.

Kingreen Thorsten, Unvereinbarkeit der Disziplinarkammer beim Polnischen Obersten Gericht mit den unionsrechtlichen Rechtsschutzgarantien, Jura, 2022, S. 404

Kirchmair Lando, Moving the International Court of Justice from Bilateralism to Serving the Community Interest – A Proposal to Refrain from Being a ‘National Judge’, Austrian Review of International and European Law Online, 2022, Band 25: Ausgabe 1, 65–107

Kleps Christopher, Race, gender, and place: How judicial identity and local context shape anti-discrimination decisions, Law & Society Review, 2022;56:188–212

Klerman Daniel, Spamann Holger, Law Matters—Less Than We Thought, «The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization», Published: 04 August 2022

Kolloch Annalena, Magistrates marching in the streets: making and debating judicial independence and the rule of law in Benin, International Journal of Law in Context, (2022), 1–17

Krenn Christoph, A Sense of Common Purpose – On the Role of Case Assignment and the Judge-Rapporteur at the European Court of Justice, in: Researching the European Court of Justice : methodological shifts and law's embeddedness, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2022

Krewson Christopher N., Owens Ryan J., How State Judicial Selection Methods May Influence Views of US Supreme Court Nominees, Journal of Law and Courts, 2022, volume 10, number 2, Fall 2022

Kritzer Herbert M., Appointed or Elected: How Justices on Elected State Supreme Courts Are Actually Selected, Law & Social Inquiry, Volume 00, Issue 00, 1–36, 2022

Kromphardt Christopher D., Bolton Joseph P., Ready for Their Close-Up? Ideological Cues and Strategic Televising in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Justice System Journal, 2022

Kube Hanno, Vertrauen im Verfassungsstaat, Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts, 2022, 146, 494 – 519

Kumar Dinesh, Singh Ram Manohar, Exploring Court Performance and Developing its Scale, International Journal for Court Administration, 2022

Lane Elisabeth A., A Separation-of-Powers Approach to the Supreme Court’s Shrinking Caseload, Journal of Law and Courts, volume 10, number 1, Spring 2022

Legg Andrew, Is There Method in the Margin? The Essence of Judicial Deference and the Margin of Appreciation, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2022, Band 21: Ausgabe 2, 442–447

Lemken Kaie, Verfassungsinterpretation und hermeneutische Ungerechtigkeit: Ansätze für eine diskriminierungskritische Normerkenntnis, in: Verantwortung und Recht, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2022, S. 115

Lightcap Tracy L. R., Reshaping Court Systems: Issue Environments and the Establishment of Drug Courts, Justice System Journal, Published online: 01 Aug 2022

Lillo Lobos Ricardo, Understanding Due Process in Non-Criminal Matters – How to Harmonize Procedural Guarantees with the Right to Access to Justice, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, 2022

Lo Vai lo, Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics - Law and Society in China, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2020

Lübbe-Wolff Gertrude, Beratungskulturen – Wie Verfassungsgerichte arbeiten, und wovon es abhängt, ob sie integrieren oder polarisieren, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin / Bonn, 2022

Lui Edward, Procedural Fairness in the Privy Council: Themes and Reflections, Judicial Review, 2021, 26:4, 291–296

Mak Maxwell, Sidman Andrew H., The Voting Rights Act and the curious case of three judge district court panels, Law & Policy, 2022;44:185–203.

Malleson Kate, Values diversity in the United Kingdom Supreme Court: abandoning the ‘don’t-ask-don’t-tell’ policy, Journal of Law and Society, 2022;49:3–22.

Mallinson Daniel J., Zimmerman Michael Christopher, Judicial Selection and State Gay and Reproductive Rights Decisions, Justice System Journal, 2022

Marko Joseph, Is Ethnic Gerrymandering a Solution for the Constitutional Impasse?, Verfassungsblog, 2022

Marshall Thomas R., American Public Opinion and the Modern Supreme Court, 1930–2020 – A Representative Institution, Rowman & Littlefield, Washington D.C., 2022

Matthews Abigail A., The Justices’ Words: The Relationship between Majority and Separate Opinions, Justice System Journal, 2021

Maučec Gregor, Dothan Shai, Judicial Dissent at the International Criminal Court: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, Leiden Journal of International Law, (2022), pp. 1–17

Maurel Raffaël, La confirmation des évolutions récentes du droit des mesures conservatoires par et devant la Cour internationale de Justice, The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, 2022

Meier Severin, Indeterminacy of international law?, sui generis, 2021

Meyer Philipp, Transparency and strategic promotion: How court press releases facilitate judicial agenda-building in Germany, Public Relations Review, Volume 48, Issue 4, November 2022,

Miller Banks, Curry Brett, To Stay or Not to Stay – Patent Litigation in the Federal District Courts, Journal of Law and Courts, volume 10, number 1, Spring 2022

Monciunskaite Beatrice, To Live and to Learn: The EU Commission’s Failure to Recognise Rule of Law Deficiencies in Lithuania, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, (2022) 14:49–72

Moraru Madalina, Bercea Raluca, The First Episode in the Romanian Rule of Law Saga: Joined Cases C-83/19, C-127/19, C-195/19, C-291/19, C-355/19 and C-397/19, Asociaţia ‘Forumul Judecătorilor din România, and their follow-up at the national level, European Constitutional Law Review, 2022, 18: 82–113, 2022

Navel Léa, L'argument de continuité jurisprudentielle dans la jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice de l'UE, Bruylant, Brüssel, 2021

Neal Tess M.S., Martire Kristy A., Johan Jennifer L., Mathers Elizabeth M., Otto Randy K., The Law Meets Psychological Expertise: Eight Best Practices to Improve Forensic Psychological Assessment, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2022. 18:17.1–17.24

Neubert Klaus, Der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz in der deutschen Justiz, Deutsche Richterzeitung, 99. Jahrgang(2021), Heft 3, Seiten 108–111

Nie Mintao, Grendstad Gunnar, Shaffer William R., Waltenburg Eric N., The Impact of Female Leadership in Collegial Courts on Time to Render Merits Decisions: Evidence from the Norwegian Supreme Court, Justice System Journal, 2022

Nissioti Evangelia, It Takes Three to Tango: A Behavioral Analysis of the Benefits of Having a Mediator in International Disputes, German Law Journal, (2022), 23, pp. 376–394

Nwoke Uchechukwu, Ukwueze Festus Okechukwu, Odinkonigbo Jirinwayo Jude, Obi-Ochiabutor Clara C., Re-Conceptualizing the Rule of Law in Africa: Metaphors of the Tool and the Causeway, Journal of African Law, 2022

Nyarko Julian, Sanga Sarath, A Statistical Test for Legal Interpretation: Theory and Applications, «The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization», Volume 38, Issue 2, July 2022, Pages 539–569

O'Neill Ruairi, Effet utile and the (re)organisation of national judiciaries: A not so unique institutional response to a uniquely important challenge?, European Law Journal, Version of Record online:12 July 2022

O’Halloran Kerry, Conscientious Objection – Dissent and Democracy in a Common Law Context, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, 2022

Olugasa Olubukola, Davies Abimbola, Remote Court Proceedings in Nigeria: Justice Online or Justice on the Line, International Journal for Court Administration, 13. Feb 2022

Örkényi Laszlo, A New Method for an Objective Measurement of the Judicial Workload – the Application of a Prediction Model Based on an Algorithm Formed by Multiple Linear Regression in Court Administration, International Journal for Court Administration, 2022

Österreichischer Juristentag Körperschaft, Wie krisenfest ist unsere Verfassung?, Manz'sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung, Wien, 2022

Paine Joshua, Deference and Other Standards of Review in International Adjudication, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2022, Band 21: Ausgabe 2, 431–441

Palermo Francesco, Italy: Judicial Reform in the midst of crisis, Legal Tribune Online, 2022

Paulus Antonia, Verantwortung und Distanziertheit im juridischen Feld: Eine Habitusanalyse im Anschluss an Pierre Bourdieu, in: Verantwortung und Recht, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2022, S.95

Pech Laurent, The Rule of Law as a Well‑Established and Well‑Defined Principle of EU Law, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 2022

Pereira Gabriel, Judges as equilibrists: Explaining judicial activism in Latin America, International Journal of Constitutional Law, Published: 08 August 2022

Perry Adam, Plainly Wrong, The Modern Law Review, (2022) 0(0) MLR 1–22

Pignarre Pierre-Emmanuel, La Cour de justice de l'Union européenne, juridiction constitutionnelle, Bruylant, Brüssel, 2021

Pirker Benedikt, Skoczeń Izabela, Pragmatic Inferences and Moral Factors in Treaty Interpretation—Applying Experimental Linguistics to International Law, German Law Journal, (2022), 23, pp. 314–332

Ploszka Adam, It Never Rains but it Pours. The Polish Constitutional Tribunal Declares the European Convention on Human Rights Unconstitutional, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 2022

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