Justice - Justiz - Giustizia

Bibliografie zum Richterrecht – Update 64

  • Autor/Autorin: Juria
  • Beitragsart: Literature
  • DOI: 10.38023/2420c22a-1512-444e-99ea-21c4600a9a01
  • Zitiervorschlag: Juria, Bibliografie zum Richterrecht – Update 64, in: «Justice - Justiz - Giustizia» 2024/1
Eine Gesamtübersicht der Bibliografie finden Sie auf: https://sifj.ch/dokumentation/bibliography/

Arguelhes Diego Werneck, Cesario Alvim Gomes Juliana, Nogueira Rafaela, Wang Henrique, «They don't let us speak»: Gender, collegiality, and interruptions in deliberations in the Brazilian Supreme Court, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2023, in press

Badas Alex, Justus Billy, Millionaire Justices and Attitudes Towards the Supreme Court, Political Behaviour, published 29 November 2023

Barelli Mauro, A Heartfelt Commitment to the International Rule of Law? The United Kingdom and the International Court of Justice, Netherlands International Law Review, 2023, Vol. 70 Issue 2, pp. 143-170

Barry Brian M., How Judges Judge - Empirical Insights into Judicial Decision-Making, Routledge, London, 2023

Belov Martin (Ed.), Courts and Judicial Activism under Crisis Conditions Policy Making in a Time of Illiberalism and Emergency Constitutionalism, Routledge, London, 2023

Belton Ian K., Dhami Mandeep K., The role of character‐based personal mitigation in sentencing judgments, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2023, in press

Benvenuti Simone, The Italian System of Judicial Governance: An Arena of Confronting Informal Practices and the Push Towards Formalization, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1373–1392

Bosch Nikolaus, Mitwirkung des Schöffen an der Hauptverhandlung nach Selbstanzeige einer Befangenheit, JURA - Juristische Ausbildung, 2024, Vol. 46 Issue 1 p.100

Bosch Nikolaus, Der Sachverständige – Ein Gehilfe des Gerichts?, JURA - Juristische Ausbildung, 2024, Vol. 46 Issue 1, pp. 41–51

Burchardt Dana, Transnational Procedural Guarantees – The Role of Domestic Courts, King's Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 34, No. 3, 1-17

Choi Jonathan H., Monahan Amy, Schwarcz Daniel, Lawyering in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Minnesota Legal Studies, Research Paper No. 23-31, posted 9 November 2023

Ciolli Anthony M., Representation of United States Territories on the Federal Courts of Appeals, New York University Law Review, 320

Cohen Alma, The pervasive influence of political composition on Circuit Court Decisions, Harvard Public Law Working Paper, 2024, 21

Dallafior Roberto, Weibel Florentin, Statutarische Schiedsklauseln : Echte Game Changer? : Die ergänzende Schiedsordnung zu den Swiss Rules des Swiss Arbitration Centre, 2023, GesKR

de Vries-Zou Ivo Tarik, An Innovation in the Test for Material Jurisdiction under Certain Compromissory Clauses, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2023, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p. 338-364

de Waele Henri, Does the European Court of Justice induce societal change? The record so far—with a green future in mind, European Law Journal, 2024, in Press

Dent Kate, Lawfare and Judicial Legitimacy - The Judicialisation of Politics in the case of South Africa, Routledge, London, 2023

Dermine Paul, What the European Court of Justice is for – Making Sense of the ECJ’s Procedural and Organisational Law, European Constitutional Law Review, 2024, in Press

Dervovic Medy, Heinrich Katharina, Law-Science Nexus in International Law-Making, Nordic Journal of International Law, 2023, Vol. 92 Issue 4, pp. 599–622

Deutsche Steuerjuristische Gesellschaft, Streitvermeidung und Streitbeilegung im Steuerrecht : 46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Steuerjuristischen Gesellschaft e.V., Augsburg, 12. und 13. September 2022, Otto Schmidt, Augsburg, Köln, 2023

Dias João Paulo, Casaleiro Paula, Gomes Conceição, Verzelloni Luca, Looking at the other side: working conditions in Portuguese courts, International Journal of Law in Context, 2024, in Press

Doroga Sorina, Bercea Raluca, The Role of Judicial Associations in Preventing Rule of Law Decay in Romania: Informal Communication and Strategic Use of Preliminary References, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1393–1411

Dorthe Anne, Décisions judiciaires cantonales et fédérales : quelle durée de conservation ?, Swissprivacy.law, no 270(2023)

Dotan Yoav, Israel's Constitutional Moment, Israel Law Review, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 521 - 540

Eichberger Fabian Simon, Informal Communications to the International Court of Justice in Cases of Non-appearance, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2023, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p. 5-29

Elgesem Frode, The Role of Soft Law in the Application of the Law: The Norwegian Perspective, Oslo Law Review, 2024, Vol. 10 Issue 2, pp.1-8

Epstein Lee, Knight Jack C., How Personal Motivations Affect Judges’ Decisions, in: Lee Epstein et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Judicial Behaviour (online edn, Oxford Academic, 18 Dec. 2023; currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication)

Eweida Arig M., Recent Limitations to the Theory of Acts of Sovereignty and What They Mean for Judicial Independence in Egypt, Arab Law Quarterly, Online Publication Date 20 Feb 2024

Fabbri Alberto, Breitenfeldt FriedoSchoch Rafael, Ein Gericht im Mediengewitter : tatsächliche und rechtliche Herausforderungen in der Krisenkommunikation, Justice - Justiz - Giustizia [Ressource électronique], Nr. 4/2023

Florczak-Wątor Monika, Constitutional Law and Precedent - International Perspectives on Case-Based Reasoning, Routledge, London, 2023

Fombeur Pascale, Effectivité et efficacité de l'économie procédurale, 2023, «AJDA : l'actualité juridique, droit administratif»

Friedmann Daniel, Politics in Legal Disguise, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 320 - 342

Gerards Janneke, Moving Away from Open Judicial Balancing Review - The European Court of Human Rights’ Approach as Illustrated by Its Case Law Relevant to the Covid-19 Pandemic, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2023, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p. 365-383

Giddens Thomas, Judgment - New Trajectories in Law, Routledge, London, 2023

Ginsburg Tom, The Long Hand of Anti-Corruption: Israeli Judicial Reform in Comparative Perspective, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 385 - 396

Gless Sabine, Künstliche Intelligenz in der Gerichtsbarkeit : (warum) braucht es weiter menschliche Richterinnen und Richter?, Zeitschrift für schweizerisches Recht, 2023, no:142

Granat Mirosław (Ed.), Constitutionality of Law without a Constitutional Court A View from Europe, Routledge, London, 2023

Greger Reinhard, Videokonferenz im Zivilprozess? ja, aber..., Deutsche Richterzeitung, yr:2024, no:102

Grover Sonja, Judicial Activism in an Age of Populism, Routledge, London, 2023

Grüninger Christoph, Aspekte der Verfassungsinterpretation in der Schweiz, Dike, Zürich, 2023

Guyonnet Jean-Baptiste, L'office du juge et l'économie procédurale : dire le droit... et trancher les litiges?, «AJDA : l'actualité juridique, droit administratif», 2023

Hager Lisa, Uribe-McGuire Alicia, Judicial Guardians: Court-Curbing Bills, the Supreme Court, and Judicial Review, Journal of Law and Courts, 2023, in press

Halmai Gábor, Is There a ‘Constitutional Moment’ in Israel and Hungary?, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 426 - 439

Hamřík Lukáš, Actors of Informal Judicial Institutions and Practices, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1520–1535

Hanych Monika, Smekal Hubert, Benák Jaroslav, The Influence of Public Opinion and Media on Judicial Decision-Making: Elite Judges’ Perceptions and Strategies, International Journal for Court Administration, 2023, Vol. 14 Issue 3

Hardegger Daniel, Zwischen Diskretion und Dialog : Herausforderungen und Lösungen für die Justizkommunikation in der «Post-Digitalisierung», Justice - Justiz - Giustizia [Ressource électronique], Nr. 4/2023

Helland Eric, Vojta George, Legal Outcomes and Home-Court Advantage: Evidence from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Shift to Administrative Courts, The Journal of Law and Economics, 2024, Vol. 66 Issue 4, pp. 797–835

Hemrajani Rahul, Hobert Tony, The Effects of Decision Fatigue on Judicial Behavior: A Study of Arkansas Traffic Court Outcomes, Journal of Law and Courts, 2023, in press

Hofbauer Jane A., Not Just a Participation Trophy? Advancing Public Interests through Advisory Opinions at the International Court of Justice, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2023, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p. 234–272

Hylton Keith N., Originalism, Official History, and Perspectives versus Methodologies, Boston University School of Law Research Paper Series, 2023, No. 23-34

Iglesias Sara, Bustos Gisbert Rafael, What Does it Take to Become a Judge in Spain? An Informal First Step into a Formal World, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1323–1340

Institut für Finanz- und Steuerrecht der Juristischen Fakultät Tübingen, Methoden steuerrechtlicher Entscheidungsfindung, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2023

Jacobi Tonja, Leslie Patrick, Robinson Zoë, Institutional Design and the Predictability of Judicial Interruptions at Oral Argument, Journal of Law and Courts, 2024, in Press

Jakab András, Wie man von einem hybriden Regime zu einem demokratischen Rechtsstaat zurückkehrt, Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht / Austrian Journal of Public Law, 2023, Vol. 78 Issue 4, pp. 555–626

Jiménez Felipe, Legal Positivism for Legal Officials, Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence, 2023, Volume 36, Issue 2, August 2023, pp. 359 - 386

Kadlec Ondřej, Blisa Adam, Superjudges and the Separation of Powers: A Case Study of Judicial Informality in Czechia, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1282–1299

Käslin-Tanduo Lucien, Wieso die Schweizer Angst vor dem Richterstaat unbegründet ist: die starke Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Deutschland als mögliches Vorbild für die Schweiz, 2023, Ex ante

Keck Thomas M., The U.S. Supreme Court and democratic backsliding, Law & Policy, 2024, in Press

Keith K. J., Yuji Iwasawa, Domestic Application of International Law: Focusing on Direct Applicability, Netherlands International Law Review, 2023, Vol. 70 Issue 2, pp. 301-306

Kessen Martin, Hartmann Markus, Benedikt Kristin, Schwartmann Rolf, «Richter-Maschine-Richter» - Kontrolle des Einsatzes generativer KI, Deutsche Richterzeitung, 2023, no:101

Khadim Asmaa, Courts as an arena for socioenvironmental change: Lessons from the Argentine courts, European Law Journal, 2024, in Press

King Jonathan M., Schoenherr Jessica A., A Matter of Opinion? How Unexpected Opinion Authors Influence Support for Supreme Court Decisions, Journal of Law and Courts, 2024, in Press

Kingreen T., Verpflichtung der polnischen Gerichte zur Nichtanwendung unionsrechtswidriger Beschlüsse der polnischen Disziplinarkammer, JURA - Juristische Ausbildung, 2024, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p 331

Kingreen T., Verpflichtung von Richtern und Richterinnen zur Offenlegung von Mitgliedschaften in einer politischen Partei und sonstigen Vereinigungen, JURA - Juristische Ausbildung, 2024, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p 332

Kirchmair Lando, Verfassungswidriges Verfassungsrecht, unabänderliches Verfassungsrecht und Justizrevolution, Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht / Austrian Journal of Public Law, 2023, Vol. 78 Issue 4, pp. 627–644

Kittichaisaree Kriangsak, Judicial Responsibility and Coups d’État Judging Against Unconstitutional Usurpation of Power, Routledge, London, 2023

Kosař David, Šipulová Katarína, Kadlec Ondřej, The Case for Judicial Councils as Fourth-Branch Institutions, European Constitutional Law Review, 2024, in Press

Kosař David, Šipulová Katarína, Urbániková Marína, Informality and Courts: Uneasy Partnership, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1239–1266

Kosař David, Vincze Attila, Constitutional Conventions Concerning the Judiciary beyond the Common Law, German Law Journal, 2023,Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1503–1519

Kradolfer Matthias, Interdisziplinäres Wissen im Gerichtsverfahren, Zeitschrift für schweizerisches Recht, 2023, no:142

Krehbiel Jay N., The Form and Function of Oral Arguments in High Courts, in: Lee Epstein et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Judicial Behaviour (online edn, Oxford Academic, 18 Dec. 2023; currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication)

Kretzmer David, The «Constitutional Reform» and the Occupation, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 397 - 414

Krummenacher Fiona, Der Entscheid(find)ungsprozess des Strafrichters : die Rolle von Kohärenz und Ursachen von Fehlbeurteilungen, Justice - Justiz - Giustizia [Ressource électronique], Nr. 4/2023

Kumar Dinesh, Suthar Nidh, The Imagination and Reality of Court Managers in India, International Journal for Court Administration, 2023, Vol. 14 Issue 3

Kuo Ming-Sung, The «constitutional court of China»? Setting the record straight, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2024, in Press

Lane Elizabeth A., Widner Kirsten, «Excuse me» – Race and Intersectionality of Interruptions at the U.S. Supreme Court, Public Law and Courts, 20 February 2024, Version 1

Lashyn Serhii, Leshchyshyn Anastasia, Popova Maria, Civil Society as an Informal Institution in Ukraine’s Judicial Reform Process, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1488–1502

Leloup Mathieu, Informal Judicial Practices in the Belgian Legal Order: A Story of Incremental and Reactive Development, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1267–1281

Leloup Mathieu, Supranational Actors as Drivers of Formalization, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1536–1554

Lurie Guy, The Attempt to Capture the Courts in Israel, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 456 - 470

Lurie Guy, The Invisible Safeguards of Judicial Independence in the Israeli Judiciary, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1449–1468

Manhart Thomas, Die Schweizer Strafjustiz im Schwitzkasten der Mediengesellschaft, Plädoyer, 2023, no:41

Mantilla Giovanni, From treaty to custom: Shifting paths in the recent development of international humanitarian law, Leiden Journal of International Law, 2023, Article in Press

Marmy Margaux, La figure du/de la juge assesseur-e en Suisse, Justice - Justiz - Giustizia [Ressource électronique], Nr. 4/2023

Marti-Schreier Leonora, Woran Kinder Richterinnen und Richter erinnern können, Justice - Justiz - Giustizia [Ressource électronique], Nr. 4/2023

McGarry Brian, Obligations Erga Omnes (Partes) and the Participation of Third States in Inter-State Litigation, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2023, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p. 273-200

Meder Stephan, Die Zukunft der juristischen Methode : Rehabilitierung durch Chat-GPT?, Juristenzeitung, 2023, no:78

Medina Barak, Bloch Ofra, The Two Revolutions of Israel's National Identity, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 305 - 319

Mężykowska Aleksandra, Młynarska-Sobaczewska Anna, Persuasion and Legal Reasoning in the ECtHR Rulings - Balancing Impossible Demands, Routledge, London, 2023

Michalis Ioannis, Ducharme Théo, L'hypothèse de l'économie procédurale en contentieux administratif, «AJDA : l'actualité juridique, droit administratif», 2023

Mirimanoff Jean A., Genève et la Médiation, Éditions Slatkine, Genève, 2023

Mohnert Alica, Überlegungen zur Akzeptanz KI-generierter Vergleichsvorschläge aus psychologischer Sicht, Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement ZKM, 2023, Vol. 26 Issue 6, pp. 199–203

Münch Joachim, Vom Beruf unserer Zeit zur Reform des Schiedsrechts, Juristenzeitung, 2023, no.78

N.N., EU-Kommission schlägt Änderungen der ADR-Richtlinie vor, Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement ZKM, 2023, Vol. 26 Issue 6, pp. 223–224

Nagy Csongor Istvan, The Rebellion of Constitutional Courts and the normative character of European Union Law, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 2023, 1-37

Navot Suzie, An Overview of Israel's ‘Judicial Overhaul’: Small Parts of a Big Populist Picture, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 482 - 501

Neumann Volker, Demokratie und Völkerrecht, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2023

Ní Chaoimh Eadaoin, Introducing the legislative priority rule: a constitutional compass for the Court, Yearbook of European Law, 2024, in press

O’Brien Patrick, Informal Judicial Institutions in Ireland, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1323–1340

Painter Richard W., Deepfake 2024: Will Citizens United and Artificial Intelligence Together Destroy Representative Democracy?, Journal of National Security Law & Policy, forthcoming, posted 23 September 2023

Paulus Andreas, Reflections on Constitutional Adjudication in a Democracy, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 471 - 481

Porat Iddo, Political Polarisation and the Constitutional Crisis in Israel, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 369 - 384

Poulet Florian, L'organisation au procès administratif, «AJDA : l'actualité juridique, droit administratif», 2023

Pradervand-Kernen Maryse, Schroeter Margaux, Le juge apprécie : mélanges en l'honneur de Bénédict Foëx, Schulthess, Genève Zurich, 2023

Raeschke-Kessler Hilmar, Von der Schieflage zum ausbalancierten System : Schiedsgerichte und commercial courts, NJW : Neue juristische Wochenschrift, yr:2023, no:76

Ramsden Michael, Strategic Litigation in English Judicial Review, Judicial Review, 2024, in Press

Regensburger Forum für Prozessrecht, Prozessuales Denken und Künstliche Intelligenz, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2023

Reiter Catherine, Disziplinarrecht für Richterinnen und Richter : quo vadis?, Justice - Justiz - Giustizia [Ressource électronique], Nr. 4(2023)

Roszkowski Stanislaw Gozdz (Ed.), Pontrandolfo Gianluca, Law, Language and the Courtroom Legal Linguistics and the Discourse of Judges, Routledge, London, 2023

Röthemeyer Peter, Der positive Blick der Rechtspolitik auf die alternative Streitlösung – reflektiert oder naiv?, Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement ZKM, 2023, Vol. 26 Issue 6, pp. 217–219

Roznai Yaniv, Dixon Rosalind, Landau David E., Judicial Reform or Abusive Constitutionalism in Israel, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 292 - 304

Scalia Damien, Le jugement des crimes en Suisse : juges laïcs et gravité relative, in: Laurent Rousvoal (Hrsg.), Juger les crimes. Enjeux de juridictions en France et dans les pays voisins, S. 261-278, Anthemis, Limal, 2023

Segev Joshua, Reforming the Israeli High Court of Justice: Proposed versus Desirable, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 440 - 455

Sejee Phurtag, Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit = : Juridiction arbitrale internationale : Schiedsstandort Europa - Quo vadis ? : Besprechung von EuGH, Rs. C-700/20, 20.6.2022, AJP, 2024, no. 33

Sheehan Rosemary, Magistrates' Decision-Making in Child Protection Cases, Routledge, London, 2023

Šipulová Katarína, Kosař David, Purging the Judiciary After a Transition: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 2024, in Press

Šipulová Katarína, Kosař David, Decay or Erosion? The Role of Informal Institutions in Challenges Faced by Democratic Judiciaries, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1577–1595

Šipulová Katarína, Spáč Samuel, (No) Ghost in the Shell: The Role of Values Internalization in Judicial Empowerment in Slovakia, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1412–1431

Smekal Hubert, Informality as a Virtue: Exploring Positive Informal Judicial Institutions, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1555–1576

Snead Warren, The Supreme Court and the Allocation of Burden: Truncating the Voting Rights Act, Law & Social Inquiry, 2024, First View, pp. 1 - 31

Somin Ilya, How Federalism Promotes Unity Through Diversity, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, forthcoming, posted October 2023

Southworth Ann, 4 Winning in the Roberts Court, in: Big Money Unleashed: The Campaign to Deregulate Election Spending, University of Chicago Press, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2023, pp. 71-96.

Steininger Silvia, Talks, Dinners, and Envelopes at Nightfall: The Politicization of Informality at the Bundesverfassungsgericht, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1300–1322

Sutter Franz Philipp, Stöger-Frank Angela, «Die Tatsachenfeststellung ist die zentrale Aufgabe der Verwaltungsgerichte» - Im BFGjournal zu Gast: Univ.-Lektor Dr. Franz Philipp Sutter, Richter am Verwaltungsgerichtshof in Wien, im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Angela Stöger-Frank, BFGJournal, 2023, 354

Techet Péter, «Entpolitisierung» der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit als erster Schritt zum Autoritarismus, Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht / Austrian Journal of Public Law, 2023, Vol. 78 Issue 4, pp. 685–714

Tommasini Nicola, Judicial self-empowerment and unconstitutional constitutional amendments, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2024, in Press

Totry-Jubran Manal, Constitutionalising Israel's Constitutional System, Israel Law Review, 2023, Volume 56, Special Issue 3: The Constitutional Crisis in Israel, November 2023, pp. 355 - 368

Tsereteli Nino, Constructing the Pyramid of Influence: Informal Institutions as Building Blocks of Judicial Oligarchy in Georgia, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1469–1487

Turenne Sophie, Informal Judicial Institutions—The Case of the English Judiciary, 2023, German Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1357–1372

Udombana Nsongurua, Reflections on Constitutionalism and Democratic Governance in Africa, Journal of African Law, 2024, First View, pp. 1 - 20

Van Enis Quentin, L’essentiel sur la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, Anthemis, Limal, 2023

Veitch Scott, Christodoulidis Emilios, Goldoni Marco, Jurisprudence Themes and Concepts, 4th Edition Routledge, London, 2023

Vincze Attila, Schrödinger’s, Judiciary—Formality at the Service of Informality in Hungary, 2023, German Law Journal, Vol. 24 Issue 8, pp. 1432–1448

Voser Nathalie, Girsberger Daniel, International arbitration : comparative and Swiss perspectives, 5. Aufl., Nomos, Schulthess, Baden-Baden, Zürich, 2024

Voßkuhle Andreas, Die weltweite Krise der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit, Juristenzeitung, 2024, Vol. 79 Issue 1-2, p.1

Waterbury Nicholas W., Justice Isn’t Blind: Attorney Attractiveness and Success in US Federal Court, Journal of Law and Courts, 2024, First View, pp. 1 - 22

Waterbury Nicholas W., Justice Isn’t Blind: Attorney Attractiveness and Success in US Federal Court, Journal of Law and Courts, 2024, in Press

Williams Ryan J., Christiani Leah, Are You Talking to Me? How Ideological and Gender Characteristics Moderate the Effect of Legitimizing Rhetoric on SCOTUS Legitimacy, Law & Social Inquiry, 2024, in press

Yam Julius, Judging Under Authoritarianism, The Modern Law Review, 2024, in press

Zwickel Martin, Die neue Kultur der einvernehmlichen Streitbeilegung im Zivilprozess in Frankreich, Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement ZKM, 2023, Vol. 26 Issue 6, pp. 204–207