Wir stellen Ihnen hier die Organisationen vor, die an der Planung und der Veröffentlichung von Beiträgen in Jusletter IT regelmässig beteiligt sind.
Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion IRIS
Das Internationale Rechtsinformatik Symposion IRIS hat sich als grösste und bedeutendste wissenschaftliche Tagung in Österreich und Mitteleuropa auf dem Gebiet der Rechtsinformatik einen festen Platz erobert.
Der Schwerpunkt der Tagung liegt im Informationsaustausch der führenden österreichischen, aber auch internationalen Rechtsinformatiker/innen über die rechtsdogmatischen, technischen, wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und philosophischen Fragestellungen des Rechts in der Wissensgesellschaft.
Die IRIS Konferenz ist bekannt für ihre interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung als auch für die Einbeziehung der Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft.
Konferenzsprache ist Deutsch bzw. teilweise auch Englisch.
Ausgewählte Themen der letzten Jahre
- Europäische Projektkultur als Beitrag zur Rationalisierung des Rechts
- Globale Sicherheit und proaktiver Staat im ökonomischen Kontext
- emantic and Social Web
- Reduktion der Komplexität. Durch Recht und IT
- Transparenz
Die Tagungsbände des Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS sind vollständig ab dem Jahr 2005 in Jusletter IT enthalten. Die jährliche Februar-Ausgabe von Jusletter IT entspricht dem jeweiligen Tagungsband.
International Conference on Quantitative Aspects of Justice and Fairness QAJF
The QAJF conference aims to develop an open interdisciplinary discussion on addressing legal and ethical issues through formal and quantitative models and their computable implementations. Quantification promotes not only comprehensibility and computer based applications but also communication between cultures, and disciplines. Its roots can be found in different cultural traditions.
In particular, the present edition will focus on Proportionality and Justice, and aims at investigating the extent to which formal and quantitative models can be brought to bear on issues pertaining to balancing interests and values of different individuals, social groups and institutions as well as to balancing different sources of information, in different legal, political or social contexts.
General themes
The QAJF conference addresses the use of formal/quantitive methods in connection with any of the the following topics:
- Ethics, moral theories and theories of human rights (e.g., assessment as of harms & benefits to other persons; quantitative models of justice and fairness)
- Legal theory (balancing rights and duties; formal and quantitative models of legal argumentation/justification)
- Law (quantification and the application of the law, e.g., compensation for economic harm, for pain & suffering; criminal punishment and deterrence)
- Analytical philosophy (ontology and metaphysics of quantification)
- Science, technology and legal responsibilities (neurosciences and the measurement of mind, assessing environmental and human impacts of dangerous technologies, responsibilities of scientists)
- Mathematics & Computer science (mathematical and computational approaches to model justice and fairness, e.g., game theory, geometry, fractals, etc)
- Evidence (mathematical & statistical analysis of factual inferences in trials; burdens of persuasion and proof)
- Economics (economic and decision-theoretic models of justice and fairness)
- Medicine & Health care (e.g., measuring the quality of medical care; allocating medical resources, etc)
- Theology (views in Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc., of quantitative aspects of justice and fairness )
Specific themes
In particular, this edition of the conference focuses on aspects of proportionality and justice, such as the following:
- The emergence of the ideal of proportionality in different philosophical, religious and legal traditions
- Telelological arguments, goals, values and deontology in legal and moral thinking
- Multicriteria decision-making and social choice
- Quantitative and non-quantitative models of proportionality
- Proportionality in distributive and corrective justice
- Balancing rights and values in moral and legal reasoning
- Proportionality and judicial review
- Proportionality and the assessment of evidence
- Proportionality and justice in tort and criminal law.
Ronzani Schlauri Anwälte
Ronzani Schlauri Anwälte ist eine auf Informations-, Technologie- und Immaterialgüterrecht spezialisierte Anwaltsboutique. Dr. Daniel Ronzani, LL.M., und Prof. Dr. Simon Schlauri beraten sowohl Unternehmen aus dem Technologiesektor als auch Unternehmen aus anderen Branchen, die Beratung im Technologie- und Informationsrecht nachfragen.
Ronzani Schlauri Anwälte unterscheidet sich von anderen Anwaltsbüros durch die langjährige Erfahrung der beiden Partner als unternehmensinterne Rechtskonsulenten im Technologiesektor, wie auch durch ihren exzellenten akademischen Hintergrund, namentlich eine Privatdozentur an der Universität Zürich.
Dank hervorragenden technischen Fachkenntnissen bieten Ronzani Schlauri Anwälte effiziente Unterstützung auch bei technologisch komplexen Sachverhalten. Ihre Beratung ist pragmatisch und lösungsorientiert.
INTERNET L@W SUMMER SCHOOL – University of Geneva – 19 June to 30 June 2017
Topics that will be covered include cybersecurity, consumer protection, legal issues of social media, Internet and telecom infrastructure, data protection, intellectual property, antitrust, and much more...
This is a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the framework of an Internet law clinic and to discuss cutting edge Internet law and policy issues with academics (including researchers participating in the Geneva Internet L@w Research Colloquium), practitioners, representatives of global policy makers, international organizations and leading institutions, including the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP), Google and ebay.
In the previous years (2014, 2015 and 2016), the Geneva Internet l@w summer school gathered a group of highly talented participants from very diverse backgrounds and countries, including Argentina, Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Italy, Jordania, Lithuania, Pakistan, Ukraine and the US.
The summer school includes an exciting social programme, with excursions and social gatherings, and affords the fantastic opportunity to build a global network of new friends as well as of Internet law and policy experts.
Students of the summer school will receive a certificate for completing the summer school.
The equivalence of 6 ECTS credits can be obtained (to be validated by the home university) upon submission of a paper.
Target Audience
Students (preferably at the graduate level), academics and professionals who are interested in the complex challenges of Internet law.
Tuition fees
Early Bird (1 March 2017): 1'500.– CHF
Final Deadline (1 May 2017): 2'000.– CHF
UNIGE Students: 500.– CHF
Course Directors
Professor Jacques de Werra
Course Director
Faculty of Law
University of Geneva
Dr. Yaniv Benhamou
Executive Director
Faculty of Law
University of Geneva
Contact: internetlaw@unige.ch
CEILI Central European Institute of Legal Informatics
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CEILI Central European Institute of Legal Informatics.