Jusletter IT

A Model Linking Criteria for Best Practice Concerning eDemocracy

  • Authors: Suree Funilkul / Wannida Soontreerutana / Gertraud Orthofer / Helene Gieber / Roland Traunmüller
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Austria, Thailand
  • Field of law: E-Democracy
  • Citation: Suree Funilkul / Wannida Soontreerutana / Gertraud Orthofer / Helene Gieber / Roland Traunmüller, A Model Linking Criteria for Best Practice Concerning eDemocracy, in: Jusletter IT 16. Februar 2006
The eDemocracy development based on new communication channels can boost up quality of citizens’ life and citizens’ participation in a democratic process. Moreover, it will promote transparency and cooperation between citizens and government sector. This participatory democracy
can be called seamless government. Best Practice examples concerning eDemocracy are presented in this contribution. A set of criteria applied to the Best Practice of eDemocracy is established. Furthermore, a model linking the criteria for Best Practice concerning eDemocracy is presented by using the concept of component diagram in the object-oriented technology. Some of the open questions which must be answered by the government organizations before developing eDemocracy are identified.

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