Jusletter IT

Gefahren von Big Data und Lösungsansätze (Podcast)

  • Author: Dirk Helbing
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: Big Data, Open Data & Open Government, Data Protection, Information Technology
  • Citation: Dirk Helbing, Gefahren von Big Data und Lösungsansätze (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT 21 May 2015
The podcast deals with the change, that society and economy are confronting. Irritating signals from an era of information like Bitcoin, discussions about Uber or NSA / Snowden et cetera are omnipresent and show the progression of the digital revolution. We need to understand this era’s new logic, since not only the existing amounts of data are duplicating each year. How can we reasonably cope with this? To stay economically flexible, it is important to monitor the long-term development. (ah)

The article to the podcast in written form by Dirk Helbing «Societal, Economic, Ethical and Legal Challenges of the Digital Revolution: From Big Data to Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Manipulative Technologies» can be found in this issue of Jusletter IT: