Jusletter IT

Die Berechenbarkeit der Welt und ihre Folgen (Podcast)

  • Author: Klaus Mainzer
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Germany
  • Field of law: Big Data, Open Data & Open Government, Information Technology
  • Citation: Klaus Mainzer, Die Berechenbarkeit der Welt und ihre Folgen (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT 21 May 2015
The Podcast is to be understood in the light of the «Internet of Things», the second digital revolution. The new world produces a huge amount of data. Which factors are effectively impelling this Big Data world? Exposed are four characteristics: 1. the exponential increase of computing capacity; 2. the exponential increase of sensor technology; 3. ascending data capacity; 4. the diversity of data. (ah)

The article to the podcast in written form by Klaus Mainzer «Die Berechnung der Welt und ihre Folgen» can be found in this issue of Jusletter IT: