Introduction ^
Good data management includes, among many other things, understandable agreements, terms of use and licences, and good documentation practices. Unfortunately, the existing ecosystem surrounding scholarly data does not support data management sufficiently [HLEG EOSC 2016]. Partially in response to this, science funders, infrastructure providers and governmental agencies are beginning to require data management and stewardship plans for data generated in publicly funded research. At the same time, European copyright law is being renewed, proposing to introduce mandatory exception for text- and data mining for research organizations [LERU 2016]. There is no legally binding practice for research data management, and best practices and funder requirements have a strong role in defining and modifying the data management process. Horizon 2020, the EU funding instrument, is encouraging beneficiaries to manage their research data by the FAIR principles [H2020 Programme 2016].
FAIR principles ^
What constitutes «good data management» is largely undefined, and is often left as a decision for the data or repository owner. Good data management does not have an agreed-upon tradition. Datasets are heterogeneous and scattered, with a multitude of discipline-specific practices, services and standards developing in parallel. In this context, the description of data, represented by metadata1, is essential. For digital data, good metadata is the threshold in data survival: without quality metadata, the resource soon becomes unusable and not accessible. In addition to being able to understand what the data is about, we need to know who owns the data and how it can be re-used (licenses; terms of use; attribution); how it should be cited through permanent identifiers (copyright); and we should be able to mine it and link it to other datasets.
To find a common agreement on good data management, the FAIR Data Principles [FORCE11 2016(a)] were developed: data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable. The FAIR principles represent a minimal set of community-agreed guiding principles and practices (Table 1). They were set out as a common effort by the FORCE11 work group [FORCE11 2016(b)], with contributions from several organizations, initiatives and individuals.
To be Findable:
F1. (meta)data are assigned a globally unique and eternally persistent identifier. F2. data are described with rich metadata. F3. (meta)data are registered or indexed in a searchable resource. F4. metadata specify the data identifier. | To be Accessible:
A1 (meta)data are retrievable by their identifier using a standardized communications protocol. A1.1 the protocol is open, free, and universally implementable. A1.2 the protocol allows for an authentication and authorization procedure, where necessary. A2 metadata are accessible, even when the data are no longer available. |
To be Interoperable:
I1. (meta)data use a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation. I2. (meta)data use vocabularies that follow FAIR principles. I3. (meta)data include qualified references to other (meta)data. | To be Re-usable:
R1. meta(data) have a plurality of accurate and relevant attributes. R1.1. (meta)data are released with a clear and accessible data usage license. R1.2. (meta)data are associated with their provenance. R1.3. (meta)data meet domain-relevant community standards. |
Table 1: FAIR Data Principles [FORCE11 2016(b)]
The challenges of communicating data management principles ^
The digitalization of research processes is not done by infrastructures and IT systems, but by humans. This is achieved by managing the meaning of information content and knowledge. As the objective of the FAIR principles is to enable effective use of data, the implementation stresses how to agree and communicate how to be FAIR. For many researchers, these are not familiar concepts. Even open science experts may struggle with operationalising the requirements and explaining them to others. The challenges for communicating good data management principles in this environment culminate in a) sufficient understanding of good data management, b) understanding of interdisciplinary needs, c) skills to pick tacit knowledge, and d) good communication.
Responding to the challenges: the case study ^
The main impulse for the case study came from the national study of openness of research organisations in Finland [Evaluation of openness... 2016]. The openness of activities was first evaluated in 2015 when universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutes were assessed with respect to their policies on and implementation of open science practices. In 2016, this evaluation was repeated and extended to cover university hospitals and research funding organisations. The evaluation of research funding organisations included a comparison with selected European research funding organisations. The results of the study demonstrated that organizations saw the need to manage their data well, and were willing to do so, but did not know how. At the same time, FAIR principles were forming to be the common best practice guidelines for research data.
What is a Design Jam and how we implemented it ^
A Design Jam is a workshop format that resembles hackathons and service jams: events where motivated people from different fields come together to respond to real-world problems or issues by developing rough prototypes of the solution, rather than simply brainstorming for ideas. The idea of applying the Design Jam approach to policy- or law-related communication challenges was developed by Stefania Passera as a by-product of her PhD studies and first applied by her and Helena Haapio at Legal Design Jam events in 2013 at the University of Aegean to the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) [Legal Design Jam 2013(a)] and – together with Margaret Hagan of Stanford University and Yana Welinder of Wikimedia Foundation – to Wikimedia Trademark Policy [Legal Design Jam 2013 (b, c); Hagan 2013; Haapio 2014]. At these events, the goal was for lawyers, designers, policymakers, and students to give an extreme user-centric makeover to a complex document. During intensive, hands-on sessions, the groups brainstormed and prototyped new versions of sections of the document at hand, rethinking it in terms of structure and language, as well as creating visualizations in order to further clarify the text.
This approach is grounded in co-design practice, where end-users are involved to work together with designers, as partners, during one or more phases of the design development process [Sanders & Stappers 2008]. While not all people are trained designers, end-users become part of the designing team as «experts of their own experiences» [Sleeswijk Visser et al. 2005]. It is also acknowledged that everyone is creative, even if creativity can take «lighter» forms of involvement, such as simply adapting situations and technologies, or making something with one’s own hands [Sanders 2006]. It then becomes the role of traditional designers to conscript end-users’ creativity and expertise through facilitation and the careful design workshop tools and experiences [Sleeswijk Visser et al. 2005]. In a Design Jam, the participants may not be able to finalize their ideas in a finished solution, but nonetheless they can provide meaningful ideas and embody them in simple prototypes that can be passed on to a design team for further development.
Category | Expertise and role |
Researcher | End-users. Researchers need tools and support to manage, preserve, search and reuse data as part of their research work (from planning to publishing) |
Librarian | End-users. Librarians acquire, organize, promote and disseminate various research resources to meet the diverse needs of the community. They also provide a variety of information and support services to access digital resources. Librarians are ICT-savvy. |
Research policy and governance | Experts. Examines empirically and theoretically the interaction between innovation, technology or research, on the one hand, and economic, social, political and organizational processes, on the other. |
Data infrastructure management | Experts. Works on the infrastructure solutions used to preserve different research resources, including centralized monitoring, management and intelligent capacity planning of a data infrastructure and centre’s critical systems. Technical understanding. |
Research administration | Stakeholders. Provides information, documents and tools to research teams across the university, supporting compliance with funders and university policies. |
Table 2: Participant profiles.
- «In order to comply with FAIR principles, data needs to be assigned high-quality metadata. Design an easy-to-use, user-friendly solution to help researchers create FAIR metadata for their data.»
- «Some researchers may not know much about FAIR data principles, and why/how they benefit them, and thus may be resistant to change the way they work. Create a «FAIR F.A.Q.» to address the key questions and concerns of «concerned researchers», so that they can be persuaded to share and use FAIR data.»
- «Researchers go to the librarians of their university for help with choosing a good FAIR repository, suitable for their data. Create a solution to help both users make an appropriate choice easily.»
Results ^
Visualization was instrumental in concretizing all teams' ideas, adapting well to different concepts (websites, brochures, service processes). Participants enjoyed putting their visualization skills to test, and discovering that visual conceptualization considerably eased the effort of working with complex, abstract issues. Some participants underlined how sketching made thinking easier, as the interdependencies between different aspects of an issue became more easy to grasp, and felt confident that they would start sketching more at work. As an example, the metadata team, which ideated an information website including a wizard system to support metadata creation in practice, used their paper prototype to envision the possible information architecture and content of the solution (Figure 1). For instance, they argued that a less motivated user would need to be convinced and enticed to create metadata and thus created a «novice path» for such users comprising videos and sections explaining what metadata is and why it matters. Similarly, they created an «expert layer» for users who already decided to create metadata, so that they could simply skip to use practical tools and instructions for metadata creation.
Figure 1: Detail of a paper prototype for a metadata planning and creation tool4
Conclusion ^
References ^
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- 1 Metadata means «data about data» (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/metadata; all Internet sources accessed on 9 January 2017).
- 2 For a deeper discussion of these themes, see literature on boundary objects and knowledge visualization (e.g. Bresciani 2011, Bresciani & Eppler 2009, Ewenstein & Whyte 2009).
- 3 The FAIR Design Jam was held in Helsinki on 23 November 2016 in connection with the Nordic Open Science and Research Forum 2016 (http://openscience.fi/aaltofair-workshop).
- 4 For more examples, go to FAIR Design Jam workshop results available at http://openscience.fi/aaltofair-workshop.