Jusletter IT

Contract Metadata

What data to track on contracts, and how

  • Authors: Baltasar Cevc / Maik Ebersoll / Klaus Gresbrand / Kai Jacob / Susanne Marks / Jutta Löwe / Dmitri Geidel
  • Category of articles: Liquid Legal Institute
  • Field of law: LegalTech
  • DOI: 10.38023/7fe2563f-972e-48ea-a68d-39db3a779def
  • Citation: Baltasar Cevc / Maik Ebersoll / Klaus Gresbrand / Kai Jacob / Susanne Marks / Jutta Löwe / Dmitri Geidel, Contract Metadata, in: Jusletter IT 20 July 2023
Discover the essential guide to Contract Metadata management in this comprehensive whitepaper. Whether you are creating a new contract metadata structure or enhancing an existing one, this resource offers valuable insights from a legal standpoint. Perfect for individuals responsible for establishing or revamping contract lifecycle management processes within their organization, this accessible whitepaper caters to beginners in the field, requiring only a fundamental understanding of contracts and their management. Unlock the power of efficient contract metadata management and streamline your legal operations today.