Jusletter IT

Epistemological Perspectives on eGovernment Research

  • Authors: Björn Niehaves / Lars Algermissen
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Germany
  • Field of law: E-Government
  • Citation: Björn Niehaves / Lars Algermissen, Epistemological Perspectives on eGovernment Research, in: Jusletter IT 26. Februar 2005
Conducting eGovernment research, multi-national and multi-disciplinary collaboration becomes more and more important. However, researchers from different research communities and academic disciplines often use different research methods for approaching a certain research question. The resulting paradigmatic and methodological pluralism can be seen as one of the core issues of eGovernment research management, because in this case, studying the same phenomenon does not necessarily mean that mutual understanding prevails. The extensive publication of epistemological assumptions is thus, in effect, mandatory. Here, the aim of this paper is to structure and systematize the epistemological discussion by providing an epistemological framework.

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