The Granularity Problem ^
The Ought-Action Structure of Norm and Deontic Modalities ^
Fig. 2: A legal system is composed of norms. A norm comprises instances of modally indifferent substrates (MISs), e.g., A, B and C.
Relations between a norm N(A) and the normative status of the duty can be discussed in more detail, see Lachmayer7. Four cases can be created:
- N(A) – commandment (obligatory rule, Gebot);
- ¬N(A) – absence of commandment;
- ¬N(¬A) – absence of prohibition;
- N(¬A) – prohibition (prohibitive rule, Verbot).
Here the meaning of negation is based on intuition and is not formalised more strictly. Negation of an action, ¬A, means an omission of this action A. Negation of a norm, ¬N(...), means an absence of this norm in the regulation. From each of the four cases above, a respective normative status is derived:
- N(A) → O(A) – From a commandment, an obligatory duty arises (Aus dem Gebot ergibt sich eine gebietende Pflicht).
- ¬N(A) → ¬O(A) – From the absence of a commandment, no obligatory duty arises (Aus dem Mangel des Gebotes kann keine gebietende Pflicht abgeleitet werden).
- ¬N(¬A) → ¬O(¬A) – From the absence of a prohibition, no prohibitive duty arises (Liegt kein Verbot vor, so folgt daraus keine verbietende Pflicht).
- N(¬A) → O(¬A) – From a prohibition, a prohibitive duty arises (Liegt ein Verbot vor, so ergibt sich eine verbietende Pflicht).
Sixteen subsets can be made from the set of four statuses {O(A), ¬O(A), ¬O(¬A), O(¬A)}. In other words, its powerset consists of 24 = 16 elements. Each element forms a row in the table which is depicted in Fig. 3.
One cannot agree to treat the negation of an action, ¬A, as an omission of A. Indeed, there is a difference between an omissive action and a negative action. The following example is provided by Giovanni Sartor8:
- For the omissive action NON (Bringsj [k is injured]) to take place, it is sufficient that j did not cause k’s injury.
- For the negative action Bringsj (NON [k is injured]) to take place, it is instead required that j prevents k from being injured (which presupposes that without j’s intervention k would have been injured).
- KD0 All (or enough) tautologies of propositional calculus
- KD1 O(p → q) → (O(p) → O(q)) – the so called K-axiom
- KD2 O(p) → P(p) – «obligatory implies permitted»
- KD3 P(p) → ¬O(¬p) – «obligation is the duality of permission»
- KD4 F(p) → ¬P(p) – «forbidden is not permitted»
- KD5 p, p → q |– q – modus ponens
- KD6 p |– O(p) – O-necessitation
Hypothetical (Conditional) and Categorical Norms ^
- «[E]very general norm establishes a relationship between two sets of facts, which may be described in the statement: Under certain conditions, certain consequences ought to take place. This is…the formulation of the principle of imputation, as distinguished from the principle of causality».10
- Hypothetical norm, if condition then reaction (consequences), and categorical norm; see Kelsen (1960, § 25) (Fig. 4)
- Condition-reaction-finality, see Luhmann11 (Fig. 5). Luhmann distinguishes conditional programming (e.g., «if it is dark then switch the lights on») from finality programming (e.g., «switch the lights on in order to read»).
- Double norm (Doppel-Norm): state of affairs → commanded behaviour, otherwise sanction. Kelsen (1991, ch. 15 and 35) distinguishes primary norms that command a certain behaviour from secondary norms that decree sanctions for the non-observance of norms (sanction-decreeing norms), see Fig. 6.
Fig. 6: Double general norm refers to a primary norm, which does not need to be expressly formulated, or a secondary norm.
- To-Do norms and To-Be norms, see Sartor12
- State of affairs (SF) → legal consequence (LC). Read «when a state of affairs (SF) is given, then the legal consequence (LC) applies». A more general format is SF1,… SFn → LC1,… LCm. This is generally used in computer science and specifically in ontology related issues in the context of semi-automated legal reasoning and in engineering software compliant with the law, see Oberle et al.13
Consider the norm structure of three elements: 1) a condition, 2) an ought and 3) a finality (or, in other words, a purpose, goal or telos). An ought is composed of four elements: a subject, a modus, an action, and an object. Thus the structure of a norm is as follows (Fig. 7):
- condition
- ought
- subject
- modus
- action
- object
- finality (or, in other words, a purpose, goal, telos),
- (1, 1, 1): complete norm. Example: «If it is dark switch the lights on to make it light».
- (1, 1, 0): no telos. Conditional norm, a classical one. Example: «If it is dark switch the lights on».
- (0, 1, 1): teleological norm, task norm (Aufgabennorm, Auftragsnorm) of Weinberger14. For example, in EU law purposes are usually set out in preambles.
- (1, 0, 1): To-Be norm. Example: «If it is dark it should be light». The subject and other variables may be implicit. This makes an object-oriented (object-regulated) structure.
- (1, 0, 0): incomplete.
- (0, 1, 0): categorical norm. A classical norm with «ought». Action is implicit.
- (0, 0, 1): too little, although this depends on interpretation, e.g., listing purposes in the preamble of a law. Legal principles can be modelled in this way. However, a principle is distinct from a norm.
- (0, 0, 0): no norm.
Taxonomy of Norms by Subject-Modus-Action-Object Structure ^
- (1, 1, 1, 1): a complete norm. Results with transitive actions, i.e. actions, which require a direct subject. Example: «You ought to open the door.»
- (0, 1, 1, 1): no subject. A To-Be norm. Examples from construction laws: «Room height ought to be a minimum of 2.30 metres», «Building height ought to be a maximum of 12 metres».
- (1, 0, 1, 1): no modus. A description or an allegation. Example: «You open the door.»
- (1, 1, 0, 1): no action. Action is not regulated or implicit. Examples: «You ought the car (keep in order)», «Police ought (keep) order».
- (1, 1, 1, 0): no object. Results with intransitive verbs. Examples: «You ought to go», «He ought to be punished».
- (0, 0, 1, 1): no subject, no modus. Indicative descriptive interpretation, usually a passive sentence. Example: «A car is driven».
- (0, 1, 0, 1): incomplete.
- (0, 1, 1, 0): subject is interpretative, e.g., «everybody», «all». Examples: «Smoking prohibited», «No stopping».
- (1, 0, 0, 1): incomplete.
- (1, 0, 0, 1): descriptive. Example: «Peter speaks».
- (1, 1, 0, 0): subject with modus. Example: «Peter is free».
- (1, 0, 0, 0): a modally indifferent substrate, MIS. Example: «Peter». Leads to a taxonomy of subjects.
- (0, 1, 0, 0): MIS. Example: «Ought». Leads to a taxonomy of deontic modalities.
- (0, 0, 1, 0): MIS. Example: «To drive». Leads to a taxonomy of actions.
- (0, 0, 0, 1): MIS. Example: «A car». Leads to a taxonomy of objects.
- (0, 0, 0, 0): no norm.
Fig. 9: A taxonomy of norms according to the combinations of 4 elements: 1) subject, 2) modus, 3) action, and 4) object.
Extended Legal Thesaurus ^
Essentially five types of relationships have been considered during the development of a thesaurus and ontology in the LOIS project: see Tiscornia15, Peters et al.16 and Schweighofer and Liebwald17. The overall architecture of LOIS is shown in Fig. 11. The term ontology is understood as in computer science. According to the generally accepted wording of Gruber18, an ontology is an explicit formal specification of a common conceptualisation with term hierarchies, relations and attributes that makes it possible to reuse this knowledge for automated applications. The five relations mentioned above are logical, monolingual, ones:
- Synonymy (Synonym)
- Near synonymy (Fast-Synonym)
- Antonymy (Gegenteil)
- Hyperonymy/Hyponymy (Ober-/Unterbegriff)
- Implemented_as (Umgesetzt durch)
Here language relations can also be mentioned:
- eq_synonym
- eq_near_synonym
- eq_has_hyperonym / eq_has_hyponym
We propose to consider three more relations:
- Dialectical relation. This means a term of dialectical antithesis or, in other words, a dialectical antonym
- Context relation.
- Metaphorical relation. This means a metaphor of a term.
Vytautas Čyras, Docent, Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, vytautas.cyras@mif.vu.lt, http://www.mif.vu.lt/~cyras/.
Friedrich Lachmayer, Professor, University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Law, Innsbruck, friedrich.lachmayer@uibk.ac.at, http://www.legalvisualization.com.
V. Čyras has been supported by the project «Theoretical and engineering aspects of e-service technology development and application in high-performance computing platforms» (No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-010) funded by the European Social Fund.
- 1 Hans Kelsen, Reine Rechtslehre, 2. Auflage, Deuticke, Wien,1960; Verlag Österreich, Wien, 2000. See translation: Kelsen, Hans, Pure Theory of Law. Translation from the second revised and enlarged German edition (1960). Translated by Max Knight. University of California Press (1st ed. in English 1967).
- 2 Hajime Yoshino, The systematization of law in terms of the validity, in Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL), ACM, Baltimore, pp. 121–125, 2011. Hajime Yoshino, The logical structure of a legal system proving the validity of law, in A. Geist, C. R. Brunschwig, F. Lachmayer & G. Schefbeck (eds.) Strukturierung der Juristischen Semantik. Structuring Legal Semantics. Festschrift für Erich Schweighofer, pp. 197–209, Editions Weblaw, Bern, 2011.
- 3 The Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria; http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/.
- 4 Hans Kelsen, General Theory of Norms. Translated by Michael Hartney. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991, at chapter 16.
- 5 Ilmar Tammelo, Modern Logic in the Service of Law, Springer, Wien, 1978.
- 6 Ota Weinberger, Rechtslogik, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1989.
- 7 Friedrich Lachmayer, Grundzüge einer Normentheorie (Essential Features of the Theory of Norms). Duncker und Humblot, Berlin, 1977, at pp. 75–76.
- 8 Giovanni Sartor, Legal Reasoning: A Cognitive Approach to the Law. A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, vol. 5. Springer, Heidelberg, 2007, at p. 448.
- 9 André Valente, Legal Knowledge Engineering, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1995, at p. 84.
- 10 See Kelsen (1960), note 1, at § 25.
- 11 Niklas Luhmann, Law as a Social System. Translated by Klaus A. Ziegert. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.
- 12 See Sartor (2007), note 8, at p. 446.
- 13 Daniel Oberle, Felix Drefs, Richard Wacker, Christian Baumann, Oliver Raabe, Engineering compliant software: advising developers by automating legal reasoning. SCRIPTed 9:3 (2012), pp. 280–313 [interactive], http://script-ed.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/oberle.pdf.
- 14 Ota Weinberger, Maastricht-Vertrag und die Theorie der Aufgabennormen (Maastricht Treaty and the Theory of Task Norms). In: Ota Weinberger, Michael W. Fischer (eds.) Aus intellektuellem Gewissen (From Intellectual Conscience). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2000, pp. 443–452.
- 15 Daniela Tiscornia, The Lois project: lexical ontologies for legal information. In: C. Biagioli, E. Francesconi, G. Sartor (eds.) Proceedings of the V Legislative XML Workshop, European Press Academic Publishing, 2007, pp. 189–204, http://www.e-p-a-p.com/dlib/9788883980466/art14.pdf.
- 16 Wim Peters, Maria-Teresa Sagri, Daniela Tiscornia. The structuring of legal knowledge in LOIS. Artificial Intelligence and Law, vol. 15, no. 2 (June 2007), pp. 117–135, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10506-007-9034-4.
- 17 Erich Schweighofer, Doris Liebwald, Advanced lexical ontologies and hybrid knowledge based systems: first steps to a dynamic legal electronic commentary, Artificial Intelligence and Law, vol. 15, (2007), no. 2, pp.103–115, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10506-007-9029-1.
- 18 Thomas R. Gruber. A translation approach to portable ontology specifications. Knowledge Acquisition, vol. 5, no. 2 (June 1993), pp. 34–43, http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/knac.1993.1008.
- 19 For an introduction see Lachmayer’s presentation slides at Nagoya University in 2007, http://www.legalvisualization.com/download.php?hash=20ea21b78426b124eea6b7a3ec9c31a0?fname=20070705_Nagoya_University%2C_Tertium_Comparationis_1_-_Introduction.pdf