Jusletter IT

Die neue RDB. Oder: Der schrankenlose Zugriff auf Rechtsinformation (Podcast)

  • Author: Reinhard Bradatsch
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: Legal Information & Search Technologies
  • Citation: Reinhard Bradatsch, Die neue RDB. Oder: Der schrankenlose Zugriff auf Rechtsinformation (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT 19 November 2015
The legal data base (RDB) of the MANZ edition has been relaunched completely in the beginning of 2015. Key points of this relaunch were the complete revision of the portal surface, an easy as well as an advanced new database-search, client and product administration, a new authentication and authorisation system as well as a new content format. The clients further stand to benefit from a full text search without login: Not registered customers can also perform searches in the RDB and receive hit lists; all documents can be opened, in case of documents with cost the user receives an abstract. Moreover, all contents are accessible in one surface («all in one»): Magazines, comments, handbooks, decisions and norms can be found within one search progress. Another new element is the function «look-up», an alternative to searching. Co-operations with partner editions and other data base providers expand the existing offering. (ah)

Der Podcast ist abrufbar unter: http://video.weblaw.ch/IRIS_2015_Bradatsch.mp4