Jusletter IT

Content Mapping für Lexis Nexis Online (Podcast)

  • Author: Anton Geist
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: Legal Information & Search Technologies
  • Citation: Anton Geist, Content Mapping für Lexis Nexis Online (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT 19 November 2015
The permanently growing (electronic) scope of information in law requires a thoroughly selection of additional legal database contents: gaps in the content covering are to be identified, new subjects to be constituted, redundancies to be avoided. For this «Content Mapping», LexisNexis Austria perches, amongst others, on the analysis of citation networks of online content, especially legal references have been proven to be a rich source in this case. The presentation reports the described method, reflects experiences and challenges and offers the prospect of further stages of development. (ah)

© Fotostudio Franz Pfluegl

Der Podcast ist abrufbar unter: http://video.weblaw.ch/IRIS_2015_Geist.mp4