Industry 4.03 stands for the 4th industrial revolution4 adopted by the German Federal Government5: networked production by the Internet (of Things).6 The Internet of Things (IOT) describes a number of technologies and research disciplines that enable the Internet to reach out into the real world of physical objects7, e.g. with sensors or actuators. The potential seems large: Gartner predicted that the IOT will grow to 26 billion objects by 2020.8
Swiss law does not have a «law for software agents». Hence, general law applies to interactions of artificially intelligent devices. However, directly applying general legal rules does not seem to suffice:10
- A (direct) proxy (art. 32(1) Code of Obligations [CO]) acts rightfully on behalf of a principal. As a software agent (agent) has neither legal capacity nor capacity to judge (art. 18 CC), it cannot act as a proxy.
- A falsus procurator (art. 38(1) CO) acts on behalf of a principal without authority. Not only does the agent lack the required legal capacity, but the contracting party is typically not unaware of the missing authority – it’s the main purpose that the intelligent agent acts on its own.
- A messenger only conveys a message and does not have any latitude of judgement or explanation. As the agent by system design makes its own judgement, it cannot be a messenger.
- A blanket declaration lies between proxy and messenger. Completing the blank declaration requires legal capacity to act (art. 12 Swiss Civil Code [CC]), which the agent lacks.
Daniel Ronzani
- 1 Computer Sciences Corporation,
- 2 Müller (gvm), Die Unternehmen haben das Thema noch nicht im Griff, NZZ Nr. 17, 22. Januar 2015, S. 28.
- 3 Kagermann/Lukas, Industrie 4.0: Mit dem Internet der Dinge auf dem Weg zur 4. industriellen Revolution, VDI Nachrichten, 1 April 2011,
- 4 1780–1900: mechanical production; 1900–1970: mass production; 1970–2000 automated production.
- 5 Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Zukunftsprojekt Industrie 4.0,
- 6 Müller (gvm), Das Internet hält Einzug in der Fabrik, NZZ Nr. 17, 22. Januar 2015, S. 28–29.
- 7 Floerkemeier, et al. (Eds.), The Internet of Things, Springer, 2008.
- 8 Gartner Newsroom,
- 9 Hötitzsch, Industrie 4.0, 6 July 2014, Telepolis,
- 10 Kianička, Die Agentenerklärung, ZStP - Zürcher Studien zum Privatrecht Band/Nr. 252; Wettig/Zehendner, A legal analysis of human and electronic agents, Artificial Intelligence and Law (2004) 12: 111–135.
- 11 Kianička (FN 10), 133–136.