Jusletter IT

eSignature | Why and How

  • Authors: Jutta Löwe / Baltasar Cevc / Jan Querfurth / Bernhard Waltl / Lutz Zimmer / Dario Dill / Kai Jacob / Peter Karmann / Rainer Markfort / Lucija Kobal Nakić / Christian Rathgen
  • Category of articles: Liquid Legal Institute
  • DOI: 10.38023/eb6c0013-b5bd-4651-839c-5f699dd78632
  • Citation: Jutta Löwe / Baltasar Cevc / Christian Rathgen / Jan Querfurth / Bernhard Waltl / Lutz Zimmer / Dario Dill / Kai Jacob / Peter Karmann / Rainer Markfort / Lucija Kobal Nakić, eSignature | Why and How, in: Jusletter IT 30. September 2021
This whitepaper aims to provide you with a first overview and a summary of the background of eSignature. We would like to put you in the position of better understanding the benefits and use cases of eSignature and what you should be aware of when implementing eSignature solutions. Additionally, we created an eSignature starter kit which enables you to take the first steps while avoiding pitfalls for the long run.