Jusletter IT

Data-driven Legal Departments | An Introduction into Metrics and KPIs

  • Authors: Maik Ebersoll / Jean Obst / Jan Querfurth / Peter Schichl / Dierk Schindler / Maurus Schreyvogel / Nina Stoeckel / Bernhard Waltl
  • Category of articles: Liquid Legal Institute
  • DOI: 10.38023/e23ee12a-66d3-463a-bbd7-5cc374fcae9d
  • Citation: Maik Ebersoll / Jean Obst / Jan Querfurth / Peter Schichl / Dierk Schindler / Maurus Schreyvogel / Nina Stoeckel / Bernhard Waltl, Data-driven Legal Departments | An Introduction into Metrics and KPIs, in: Jusletter IT 30. September 2021
Over the past few years, also legal departments saw increasing cost pressure and have been requested to be more efficient while maintaining – if not increasing – their effectiveness. Yet, lawyers are experts in operating with language and typically do not shy away from abstract, qualitative concepts such as «added value». However, transferring such abstract concepts into the realm of numbers is something different and (still) feels uncomfortable for many members of the legal profession. So why should we measure? How do we obtain relevant data? And how do we transform data into information and then into insights?