Jusletter IT

Erich Schweighofer

  • Author: Tom van Engers
  • Region: Netherlands
  • Field of law: Zur Person Erich Schweighofer
  • Collection: Festschrift Erich Schweighofer
  • Citation: Tom van Engers, Erich Schweighofer, in: Jusletter IT 22 February 2011
This picture shows Erich Schweighofer in a typical position, namely at work! As Erich always tries to find new ways to promote Legal Informatics, a field that despite its importance for modern society still requires fore runners like Erich, he thought of combining the promotion of a course on Legal Informatics while taking advantage of the beautiful country Austria, especially in wintertime. And as many of his friends know Erich, being a through and through sportsman he invented the Legal Informatics winter school, combining the stimulation of the body during day time and the stimulation of the brain in the evening hours.
Erich is now approaching his second youth therefore we may expect more initiatives like this. Here are some suggestions for future combinations; a water-ski – summer school initiative at the Neusiedler See, or a mountain climbing – workshop in Steiermark…
As Legal Informatics by its very nature is a multi-disciplinary field we can trust that it will be in good hands with Erich as he has broad knowledge and understanding of many relevant topics.
Having sailed the cliff of his fiftieth birthday, Erich entered the circle of ‹old wise men›. Therefore we expect a lot of contributions to workshops and conferences of his hand enabling us to share his wisdom and experience. We also expect Erich to further develop new pathways to the future of the field while continuing the transfer of knowledge to the next generation. This of course then would give us the opportunity to meet once again and enjoy his company whilst discussing our mutual interests.
I’m certainly looking forward to such occasion!

Tom M. van Engers