Introduction ^
The transparency of the legal system ^
Transparency as the key issue in legal informatics ^
Semantic web, folksonomies and transparency ^
Conclusion ^
References ^
American Civil Liberties Union v. Reno, decision of the Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 11th June 1996, in 929 F. Supp. 824, 830–849 (ED Pa. 1996), (1996).
American Civil Liberties Union v. Reno, decision of the Supreme Court of the United State No. 96–511, 19th March 1997–26th June 1997, in 521 U. S. 844 (1997), 850, (1997).
Article 7, Loi 30 Ventôse XII (21st March, 1804).
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Bateson, Gregory, Mind and nature: a necessary unity. Dutton, New York (1979).
Berners-Lee, Tim/Bray, Tim/Connolly, Dan/Cotton, Paul/Fielding, Roy/Jeckle, Mario/Lilley, Chris/Mendelsohn, Noah/Orchard, David/Walsh, Norman, Architecture of the World Wide Web. W3C (2004).
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Hotho, Andreas/Jäschke, Robert/Schmitz, Christoph/Stumme, Gerd, Information retrieval in folksonomies: Search and ranking. In: Sure Y, Domingue J (Hrsg.), The semantic web: research and applications, 4011, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, S. 411–426 (2006).
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Palmirani, Monica/Ognibene, Tommaso/Cervone, Luca, Legal rules, text, and ontologies over time. Proc. Of The RuleML2012@ECAI Challenge, at the 6th International Symposium on Rules, Montpellier, (August 27–29, 2012), CEUR-WS, S. 61–78 (2012).
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von Ahn, Luis/Maurer, Benjamin/McMillen, Colin/Abraham, David/Blum, Manuel, reCAPTCHA: Human-Based Character Recognition via Web Security Measures. In: Science, Heft 321, S. 1465–1468 (2008).
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Federico Costantini
Università degli Studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche
Via Treppo 18, 33100 Udine, IT
- 1 In fact, the third paragraph of the chapterTranszendentale Methodenlehre is entitled «Die Architectonic der reiner Vernunft» Kant, Immanuel, Kritik der reinen Vernunft. 2. Auflage, J.F. Hartknock, Riga, S. 538 (1787). In Kant’s system can be identified three key components: (1) a plurality of elements empirically considered, (2) a set of relations, which may be appreciated as functions of the system itself, and (3) a unitary vision that imposes the system as the one and only rational understanding of the elements. According to Christian Wolff – who inspired Kant – we can say that the system is the horizon in which knowledge can be considered as a legitimate representation of the experience.
- 2 The «order» belongs to the dimension of the «being» and may include equally things that can be hidden or not, knowable or unknowable. Likewise, there are visible and invisible aspects inside each of us; some parts are well known, while others may remain mysterious to our own understanding. Since the «order» is the formal structure of all that «is», as human beings, we participate in it and there we find the meaning of everything. The system, instead, is a representation of a certain experience, and therefore includes only what we can empirically perceive, or what we stipulate to consider as such. In this sense, while the «order» is real, the system is always an intellectual construction. Fabro, Cornelio, The Transcendentality of Ens-Esse and the Ground of Metaphysics. In: International Philosophical Quarterly, Heft 6, S. 389–427 (1966).
- 3 «Was vernünftig ist, das ist Wirklich; und was wirklich ist, das ist vernünftig» Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts oder Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse. Nicolaische Buchhandlung, Berlin, S. 19–20 (1821).
- 4 Gödel, Kurt, Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I. In: Monatshefte für Mathematik, Heft 38, S. 173–198 (1931).
- 5 Vattimo, Gianni, The Transparent Society. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, S. 7 (1992).
- 6 Lyotard, Jean-François, La condition postmoderne: rapport sur le savoir. Éditions de Minuit, Paris (1979).
- 7 Floridi, Luciano, The philosophy of information. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2013).
- 8 Bateson, Gregory, Mind and nature: a necessary unity. Dutton, New York (1979).
- 9 This term was inspired by the theological concept of «noosphere» which is connected to a gnostic spiritual belief, Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, L’avenir de l’homme. Oeuvres de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, 5, Éditions du Seuil, Paris (1959).
- 10 In this perspective, to understand our experience and its meaning we should rely only on the concept of information. Through it, we can just measure: (1) the likelihood that an event will occur in a given context (ontological aspect), (2) the perception of the empirical effects of the phenomenon (epistemic aspect), (3) the understanding of the input received and the formulation of a response (cognitive aspect), (4) the impulse of the reply to the stimulus (operational aspect), (5) the effects of the response within the context (reactive aspect), and (6) the modification of the behaviour depending on the response obtained (retroactive aspect).
- 11 From a theoretical perspective, jus naturale was conceived as a rational pattern emerging from the nature of things; in practical terms, it was an instrument for the pursuit of justice in the human experience «[…] ut eleganter Celsus definit, ius est ars boni et aequi» Ulpianus, Eneus Domitius, Liber Primum Institutionum, D. 1, 1, 1. Gradually, it was overtaken by the «natural law», a concept swinging between materialism and rationalism: in the first, rules are defined by a system determined exclusively by physical causes, Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil. Printed for Andrew Crooke, London (1651). In the latter, norms are classified in logically consistent set of axioms, de Groot, Huig, De jure belli ac pacis. Apud Nicolaum Buon, Paris (1625). At the end, the sources of law divorce from their metaphysical roots and legitimacy struggles against legality.
- 12 Certainly, in the modern perspective law does not ground its legitimacy into natural order, but in sovereign’s decrees or in social behaviours pragmatically detected.
- 13 In fact, codification embodies the unilateral imposition – a «top-down» process – of the system, which may relate to the sources of law as well as to the legal reasoning.
- 14 Article 7, Loi 30 Ventôse XII (21st March, 1804). Famous is the sentence of Jean Bugnet reported by Julien Bonnecase: «Je ne pas le connais Droit civil; que je n’enseigne the Code Napoléon».
- 15 Sartor and Fernandéz-Barrera find a similarity between the Pandectists and the Analytical Jurisprudence of Austin in the common effort to build a conceptual system,Fernández-Barrera, Meritxell/Sartor, Giovanni, Classifications and the Law: Doctrinal Classifications vs. Computational Ontologies. Working Papers of the Law Department of the EUI, European University Institute, S. 12 (2010). As we know, also this effort produced a corpus legis, which is also structurally different from the French Code precisely because of the different theoretical approach adopted. The BGB (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch), which entered into force on 1st January 1900 contains a general part, Allgemeiner Teil, placed before the sections in which are included the provisions for each subject (Recht der Schuldverhältnisse, Sachenrecht, Familienrecht, Erbrecht).
- 16 Although its use has spread for its practical convenience, in contemporary legal philosophy the coincidence of «code» and system has become obsolete. Concerning the sources of law, the legal system is based, according to John Austin, Hans Kelsen, Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart, Joseph Raz, respectively on the sovereign power, on the Grundnorm, on the rules of recognition, on the recognition by the primary organs. With regard to the legal reasoning, several authors reformulate the legal language with the aim of shaping a logical system; in this sense, some scholars deepen modal logic (Stephen Toulmin), others adopt a practical approach to argumentation (Aulis Aarnio, Robert Alexy, Aleksander Peczenik), and others devote themselves to the deontic logic (Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, Carlos E. Alchourrón and Eugenio Bulygin).
- 17 The term «coding» is used here differently from Luhmann, Niklas, Das Recht der Gesellschaft. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main (1993).
- 18 It is believed that the «openness» of the legal system can be achieved throuh the increase in the number and variety of sources of law. For example, through the recognition of local autonomies or judicial precedents, or even with the establishment of independent authorities, Luhmann, Niklas, Soziale Systeme: Grundriss einer allgemeinen Theorie. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main (1984).
- 19 It is assumed that the mutual integration of different systems can qualify the overall system as a self-observing entity. In other words, the system is no longer just a representation, as it can produce a self-referential semantics. In this sense, the existence of the system itself becomes a foundational principle, Zagrebelsky, Gustavo, Il diritto mite: legge, diritti, giustizia. Einaudi Contemporanea, 14, Einaudi, Torino (1992). Since legality is not simply opposed to legitimacy, but it is its foundation, in a «transparent» legal system, therefore, the law itself, the legal methodology and hermeneutics eventually merge in the synthesis of experience and knowledge.
- 20 This perspective is not very far from what depicted inRoss, Alf, Tû-tû. In: Harvard Law Review, Heft 70, S. 812-825 (1957). What matters most, from this perspective, is that social rules actually exist, that they are recognizable, rationally representable, practically executable, and it is likely that infringements are remedied. Since those that we commonly define as «principles» only aim to preserve the existing configuration of the processes, then they do not have an actual substance or at least a persistent meaning. In radical terms, it can be argued that within a transparent legal system, there are no values for which it is worth living or dying. The sharing of resources is expressed in the distribution of rights to individuals, but does not depend on the recognition of a real – or better, natural – utility to them, but rather serve efficiency and effectiveness of information exchange, Luhmann, Niklas, Vertrauen: ein Mechanismus der Reduktion sozialer Komplexitaet. Soziologische Gegenwartsfragen, N. F., 28, F. Enke, Stuttgart (1968).
- 21 «A system of legal concepts or legal conceptual system is a network in which each node corresponds to a legal concept and each line in the network corresponds to a link between legal concepts»Fernández-Barrera, Meritxell/Sartor, Giovanni, Classifications and the Law: Doctrinal Classifications vs. Computational Ontologies. Working Papers of the Law Department of the EUI, European University Institute, S. 11 (2010).
- 22 An «ontology» is defined as: «the product resulting from the systematic inventory by knowledge engineers of relevant aspects of a certain knowledge domain» Boer, Alexander, Legal Theory, Sources of Law and the Semantic Web Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications, 195, IOS Press, Amsterdam, S. 32 (2009). In other words, it’s «a specification of one’s conceptualization of a knowledge domain» ibid.
- 23 To sum up, I can say that recent efforts are focused on the attempt to develop frameworks composed of multilayer architecture that integrates language and concepts, and so «top-down» and «bottom-up» theories. The purpose is to enable the representation of legal domains in ontologies in order to articulate multiple conceptual contextualisation of lexical terms. This allows firstly to separate the legal concept from its linguistic expression, secondly to distinguish between synonyms, and finally to handle polysemous expressions, Palmirani, Monica/Ognibene, Tommaso/Cervone, Luca, Legal rules, text, and ontologies over time. Proc. Of The RuleML2012@ECAI Challenge, at the 6th International Symposium on Rules, Montpellier, (August 27–29, 2012), CEUR-WS, S. 61–78 (2012).
- 24 Milgram, Stanley/Mann, Leon/Harter, Susan, The Lost-Letter Technique: A Tool of Social Research. In: The Public Opinion Quarterly, Heft 29, S. 437–438 (1965).
- 25 Baran, Paul, On Distributed Communications Networks. RAND Corporation papers, P-2626, RAND (1962).
- 26 «The Internet is therefore a unique and wholly new medium of worldwide human communication» American Civil Liberties Union v. Reno, decision of the Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 11th June 1996, in 929 F. Supp. 824, 830-849 (ED Pa. 1996), (1996); American Civil Liberties Union v. Reno, decision of the Supreme Court of the United State No. 96–511, 19th March 1997–26th June 1997, in 521 U. S. 844 (1997), 850, (1997).
- 27 Berners-Lee, Tim/Cailliau, Robert/Luotonen, Ari/Nielsen, Henrik Frystyk/Secret, Arthur, The World-Wide Web. In: Communications of the ACM, Heft 37, S. 76–82 (1994). The Web is defined by W3C as «an information space in which the items of interest, referred to as resources, are identified by global identifiers called Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)» Berners-Lee, Tim/Bray, Tim/Connolly, Dan/Cotton, Paul/Fielding, Roy/Jeckle, Mario/Lilley, Chris/Mendelsohn, Noah/Orchard, David/Walsh, Norman, Architecture of the World Wide Web. W3C (2004).
- 28 As stated by Berners-Lee, the Semantic Web «is not a separate Web but an extension of the current one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation» Berners-Lee, Tim/Hendler, James/Lassila, Ora, The Semantic Web. In: Scientific American, Heft 284, S. 28–37 (2001). The Semantic Web can be defined as an «information space», namely a network «where nodes are resources and arcs are links» Halpin, Harry, Social semantics. The search for meaning on the Web. Semantic Web and Beyond, 13, Springer, New York, S. 56 (2013).
- 29 The word «folksonomy» is a blend of the words «folk» (which means «people» in German language) and «taxonomy» (a conceptual grid strictly classified). This expression was used for the first time in 2004 in Vander Wal, Thomas, You down with folksonomy. http://www.vanderwal.net/random/entrysel.php?blog=1529 angerufen 3/1/2014 (2004). We should distinguish between «narrow» and «broad» folksonomies. In the first, only the owner of the resource can tag it; in the second, anyone can tag anything, Vander Wal, Thomas, Explaining and showing broad and narrow folksonomies. http://www.vanderwal.net/random/entrysel.php?blog=1635 angerufen 3/1/2014 (2005).
- 30 Halpin, Harry, Social semantics. The search for meaning on the Web. Semantic Web and Beyond, 13, Springer, New York, S. 111 (2013). Precisely, let us define «folksonomy» a tuple as follows: F≔U, T, R, Y, ≺ where: U, T, and R are finite sets, whose elements are users, tags and resources, respectively, Y is a ternary relation between them, i.e., Y⊆U×T×R, called tag assignments (TAS for short), ≺ is a user-specific subtag/supertag-relation, i.e., ≺⊆U×T×T, called subtag/supertag relation. The personomy Pu of a given user u∈U is the restriction of F to u, i.e. Pu≔Tu,Ru,Iu, ≺u with Iu≔t,r∈T×Ru,t,r∈Y, Tu≔π1Iu, Ru≔π2Iu, and ≺u≔t1,t2∈T×Tu, t1, t2∈≺ , where πi denotes the projection on the ith dimension. Hotho, Andreas/Jäschke, Robert/Schmitz, Christoph/Stumme, Gerd, Information retrieval in folksonomies: Search and ranking. In: Sure Y, Domingue J (Hrsg.), The semantic web: research and applications, 4011, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, S. 411–426 (2006).
- 31 There are several methods to integrate «bottom-up population» with «top-down standardization»: folksontologies, explicit semantics, enriched semantics, flexonomies, network of terms, semantic layer, Dotsika, Fefie, Uniting formal and informal descriptive power. Reconciling ontologies with folksonomies. In: International Journal of Information Management, Heft 29, S. 407–415 (2009).
- 32 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Philosophical investigations. Blackwell, Oxford (1953).
- 33 Folksonomies indeed can be counted among «human computation systems», defined as «intelligent systems that organize humans to carry out the process of computation» Law, Edith/ von Ahn, Luis, Human Computation. Brachmann RJ, Cohen WW, Dietterich T, Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 13, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, San Rafael, S. 4 (2011). It should be underlined that «collective tagging systems» are different from traditional search engines, which rely commonly on previous searches, whereas tagging relies on human knowledge. In a Web search engine, user enters a number of keywords into an automatic algorithm, which exploiting them retrieves the relevant resources to displays to the users. In collaborative tagging systems, instead, users find resources and add manually one or more tags, which are stored in their personal connection or shared by the system among users. In «human computation systems» each operation is assigned by the system and accomplished by the user, which returns the result to the system in order for it to be processed again. A well-known example in this regard is given by the reCAPTCHA, von Ahn, Luis/Maurer, Benjamin/McMillen, Colin/Abraham, David/Blum, Manuel, reCAPTCHA: Human-Based Character Recognition via Web Security Measures. In: Science, Heft 321, S. 1465–1468 (2008).
- 34 Cress, Ulrike/Held, Christoph/Kimmerle, Joachim, The collective knowledge of social tags: Direct and indirect influences on navigation, learning, and information processing. In: Computers & Education, Heft 60, S. 59–73 (2013).
- 35 Similar analysis are performed in marketing,Unnamalai, K., Sentiment Analysis of Products Using Web. In: Procedia Engineering, Heft 38, S. 2257–2262 (2012).
- 36 Folksonomies can make explicit how legal documents are received by the addressees, so to evaluate aspects that can be broadly defined as «emotional», «ideological» or «ethical» – individual feelings and beliefs, collective principles, values – and to which the current legal information management tools cannot attribute any relevance. Nevertheless, we know that these items are of great importance in our society, as they can be manipulated by those who control the mass media. In this aspect, folksonomies fully exploits the ambiguity of transparency.
- 37 Engelbart, Douglas C., Augmenting Human Intellect: a conceptual framework. Stanford Research Institute (1962); Lévy, Pierre, L’intelligence collective: pour une anthropologie du cyberspace. La Découverte, Paris (1994).
- 38 Surowiecki, James, The Wisdom of crowds: Why the many are smarter than the few and how collective wisdom shapes business, economies, societies and nations. Random House, New York (2004).
- 39 Loevinger, Lee, Jurimetrics: The Next Step Forward. In: Minnesota Law Review, Heft 33, S. 455–493 (1949).