Jusletter IT

LexisNexis Online 2015 (Podcast)

Allianzpartnerschaft, Related Content, kürzere Recherchewege

  • Authors: Anton Geist / Barbara Ofner
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: Legal Information & Search Technologies
  • Citation: Anton Geist / Barbara Ofner, LexisNexis Online 2015 (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT 19 November 2015
Most notably as a result of the alliance partnership with Verlag Österreich, LexisNexis® Online expects (once again) enormous content growth in 2015. Against this background, work is in process to conduct a stronger, automatic connection of documents («Related Content»). Other measures to abbreviate the typical ways of online research are also implemented. The presentation deals with the mentioned three priority areas and discusses experiences, challenges and open question. (ah)

Der Podcast ist abrufbar unter: http://video.weblaw.ch/IRIS_2015_Geist_Ofner.mp4