Dear readers
Gabriel Jaccard and Adrien Tharin address the most important legal issues and best practices surrounding Blockchain and GDPR. The authors examine the legal challenges related to data protection when archiving personal data in a blockchain. In particular, the paper studies the question of personal data when it is considered anonymous, pseudonymous or encrypted on a blockchain.
In addition, Christine Möhrke-Sobolewski discusses data protection in the development of artificial intelligence. She explains how data protection serves as best practice for risk minimization and what prospects the European legislation offers for companies and affected parties.
In the second part, Ursula Sury, Lukas Huber, Adrien Alberini, Dieter Kesper, Lukas Abegg, Stefan Bodenski and Reinhard Riedl give an overview of the existing solutions and the current technological possibilities in the legal system in the context of this year’s 14th Conference on Computer Science and Law focussing on «Secure digital work in the legal system». In the course of the digitalisation of society and economy, modern technologies become increasingly prevalent in the legal system. Keywords such as LegalTech, Blockchain, Cloud Computing or the use of algorithms are omnipresent. Even unspecific and widespread tools such as e-mail or messenger are used in everyday judicial practice. The presentations are published in the form of citable podcasts.
- Ursula Sury, Sichere elektronische Kommunikation aus Sicht der Anwaltschaft
- Lukas Huber, Sichere elektronische Kommunikation aus Sicht der Gerichte
- Adrien Alberini, Nutzung von Cloud Lösungen: Regulatives Umfeld aus Sicht der Anwaltschaft
- Dieter Kesper, Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz in der Strafuntersuchung
- Lukas Abegg, Übersicht der digitalen Arbeitswerkzeuge im Rechtswesen
- Stefan Bodenski, Erweitert «Augmented Reality» den Blick auf den Justizarbeitsplatz der Zukunft?
- Reinhard Riedl, Sicheres digitales Arbeiten im Rechtswesen – Fazit und Schlusswort
We hope you enjoy reading, listening and watching this issue!